
As children Martin and Eric went to the lake every Sunday. And as children they fell in love with the same girl, Frenni. Today, Martin and Frenni live together in their nice little house, forgetting about how boring their live has become. Their friendship with Eric as well seems long forgotten. Today it is Sunday and Eric is sunddenly standing in front of Martin’s door again, ready to drive up to the lake for one last fishing trip. While Eric wants to share the truth of the past 20 years with his friend, for Marin the day becomes a journey into the heart of darkness.
Born in 1991 in Nalchik, capital of the Autonomous Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, in the North Caucasus, Kantemir Balagov leaves the city for Stavropol where he undertakes studies in economics. But the twenty-three-year-old man's interest is elsewhere and, while being passionate about photography, he decides to join the film department of the Nalchik University founded and directed by Alexander Sokurov. There, he directs three short films, including the documentary Andriouchka (2014) and Me first (2015), his graduation work.
Kaouther Ben Hania nasce in Tunisia a Sidi Bouzid il 28 agosto 1977. Studia dal 2002 al 2004 all'École des arts et du cinéma di Tunisi, realizzando alcuni cortometraggi, tra cui La Brèche.
Katell Quillévéré è una regista e sceneggiatrice francese, conosciuta per aver diretto i film Love Like Poison (Un poison violent, 2010) e Suzanne (2013). Nel 2015 viene selezionata come membro della giuria per la Settimana Internazionale della Critica al Festival di Cannes. Nel 2016 gira il suo terzo lungometraggio, Heal the Living (Réparer le vivants), con cui riceve la sua seconda nomination ai premi César.
Born in Trieste in 1969. Scriptwriter mainly for documentaries, she debuted in 1997 writing Dal pane al ferro. She was one of the writers of the short film dated 2010, Once upon a time there was the city of fools ... directed by Marco Turco. Rosa is the first feature film as a director.
During September 1939, Poland was invaded, in the west by Nazi troops and in the east by the Red Army. It is the beginning of the Second World War. Thousands of soldiers and Polish officers are arrested by the Russians and deported to concentration camps. At the behest of Stalin in 1940 about 20,000 of them will be killed and buried in mass graves in the forest near Katyn. The responsibility for the incident was dumped on the German army, and the truth was silted up until 1990 when Russia finally admitted its faults.
In Istanbul, for thousands of years cats roam the metropolis, entering and leaving the lives of the inhabitants. This becoming an essential component of the many communities that make the city so rich. Not claiming any owner, they live between two worlds, the wild and the domestic, bringing joy and desire to live to the people they choose to adopt. In Istanbul cats are mirrors for people, allowing them to reflect on their lives in a unique way, as no one else could do. They embody the chaos and culture of the city and Kedi tells about the different souls through them.
In una vecchia casa abbandonata una ragazza trova in un baule un paio di scarpe rosse che fanno volare la sua fantasia ... sono i sogni di una stella del cinema.
Due killer, per uno scambio di persona si incontrano nello stesso luogo.




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