
di Dalibor Matanic (Cro, 2008, 120') v.o., sott. it.; Gio 11 h 17.00 A godforsaken mountain village is the only home that a young football player, a miser peasant and a fat girl have. This isolated part of the country finds itself in the middle of the referendum for or against the EU. Our characters couldn't care less – they are absorbed in their problems. The young football player who accidentally killed his mother doesn't want to join a rich foreign football team and is willing to risk his father's love because of it.
"Krapfen" is the story of a robbery that goes wrong, leaving the crooks to sort out the disastrous consequences. Their fate is in fact intertwined with that of a girl seeking revenge against a society in which she feels helpless. A story in which there are no winners, only losers – people mocked by fate and made victims by their ambitions and their desire for redemption.
Dalla mente di Efthymis Filippou, che inventò gli uomini/animali di “The Lobster”, la storia grottesca e sinistramente divertente di un uomo sempre fuori posto, del suo migliore amico uomo/orso, e di un barattolo di miele. Un uomo, l’Autista, vive nella sua auto, notte e giorno. Lavora, dorme, vede amici e famiglia senza mai scendere dal veicolo. Persino il suo compleanno viene festeggiato al volante. Il suo lavoro è trovare e portare il miglior miele disponibile ad un signore maturo, molto preciso e severo.
Una bambina viene abbandonata all'autogrill. Affronterà un difficile viaggio per ritrovare la strada di casa, ma niente è come sembra...
It’s 1859, a young idealist, John, lives in Raintree County, Indiana. He’s had a girlfriend since high school, Nell, but she is overshadowed by beautiful Susanna, a very rich girl from New Orleans. John and Susanna have an affaire and she gets pregnant, so the young man leaves Nell heartbroken. The new couple moves South, by her family’s house, and little by little we start to know a past full of shadows and, above all, a tragedy occurred to her mother, considered insane, during a fire, also involving her father and a black slave, his concubine.
 di Pippo Mezzapesa (Ita, 2009, 11') mer 9 h 19,50; gio 10 h 14,50 Seventy year old Gina lives in a nursing home. She is enthusiastically preparing for her grandson's wedding, but when the doctors advise against the trip she is devastated. So she decides to break out of the home anyway and go to the wedding ceremony. When she eventually arrives at the church she realises it's the wrong one and doesn't know where the wedding is being held.




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