
Nata a Monza, di origini napoletane, si laurea in Storia del Cinema tra Milano, Torino e Parigi. Lavora ai documentari SmoKings e Guardians of the lights, occupandosi di ricerca e produzione, e per i Festival di Cinema Bergamo Film Meeting e Filmmaker. La barca è il suo primo corto documentario, realizzato nell’ambito di Filmap-Atelier di Cinema del Reale di Ponticelli.

Born on November 2, 1957 in Bari, Puglia, Italy as Giulia Savino. She is an actress, she started in 1982 with Grog directed by Felice Laudadio. Known for Mai + come prima (2005) by Roberto Campiotti, Mine vaganti (2010) by Ferzan Ozpetek, Tuttotutto niente niente (2012) with Antonio Albanese,  Scusate se esisto! (2014) by Riccardo Milani Il fulgore di Dony (2018) by Pupi Avati.

Lypso, quarantenne ex dj anni novanta, è un individuo solitario, incancrenito dalla sua personalità e imbrigliato dalla ovattata ruotine dell'Isola d'Ischia, tra lavoretti saltuari e piccoli escamotage illegali. L’incontro con una ragazza ravviva Lypso, che subodora la possibilità di sfiorare la gioventù ancora una volta. La possibilità che sfuma lo porterà verso un cambiamento inesorabile.
A former market, a playground, and the boughs of the trees, now abandoned and deprived of their lifeblood. Places, things and objects now no longer such, but a mirror of incommunicability of feelings and experiences that show themselves in devastating external deterioration. A neglect that shows the bleakness of the soul, which, just as in the final scenes of the film, shows places of joy and love now devoid of their leading players. The silence is the only guardian of these non-places.
A former market, a playground, and the boughs of the trees, now abandoned and deprived of their lifeblood. Places, things and objects now no longer such, but a mirror of incommunicability of feelings and experiences that show themselves in devastating external deterioration. A neglect that shows the bleakness of the soul, which, just as in the final scenes of the film, shows places of joy and love now devoid of their leading players. The silence is the only guardian of these non-places.
A former market, a playground, and the boughs of the trees, now abandoned and deprived of their lifeblood. Places, things and objects now no longer such, but a mirror of incommunicability of feelings and experiences that show themselves in devastating external deterioration. A neglect that shows the bleakness of the soul, which, just as in the final scenes of the film, shows places of joy and love now devoid of their leading players. The silence is the only guardian of these non-places.
In a future where education is programmed by machines, a young girl discovers that humanity is way more important than just notions instilled in people’s brains. Using George Orwell’s 1984 dystopian future as a reference, Bonelli tells a story of courage and pacific rebellion. The social commentary of this works needs to be seen as a warning for next generations: learning should always be an emotional experience; otherwise it’s just empty dates.
A patient in a mental health clinic, nicknamed "Mr. T". On his sixtieth birthday, he receives a special gift from his roommate: freedom.




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