
Parigi, la notte del 13 novembre 2015, la notte che ha ferito la Francia e il cuore dell’Europa. Una notte vista con gli occhi di Rino e Sophie, giovane coppia in forte crisi sentimentale, trentenne e sognatore lui, più giovane e pratica la ragazza.
At the beginning of the school year a new student arrives. He seems to be concerned only with his personal interests and is therefore marginalised first by the computer science teacher, then by the other students. Branded as uninterested and listless, the pupil in fact works very well at a computer consulting firm, where he comes across the teacher, who is a client of the company. The teacher changes his opinion of the kid and gives him credit to the point where the student causes serious damage in an extraordinary situation – for the teacher and for the national interest.
While Mike, a Mexican policeman, is crossing the border towards the United States with his wife Susie, the two of them witness the murder of a businessman who is in his car when it explodes. The investigations of what comes out to be a homicide are carried out by inspector Quinlan and Mike helps him. Some time before Mike had arrested a gangster and his brother threatens Susie, hoping to avoid the policeman from witnessing during the trial. These two parallel stories twist during the whole film, which is remembered for the long initial sequence, completely shot with no editing.
The Ambersons were a rich family from Indianapolis in Indiana. Eugene Morgan, a young handsome man, courts Isabel who loves him, but marries another man, Wilbur. More than twenty years go by and during a party given by Isabel for her son George coming home from college, Eugene reappears as an automobile businessman. Wilbur is closed in the library and doesn’t attend the party. After his death, Eugene proposes to Isabel to marry him, while George gets fond of Lucy, Eugene’s daughter. But George’s pride, such as her mother’s pride, will cause distress on both relationships.
Nata a Roma, formatesi alle discipline delle arti figurative e dello spettacolo, dopo la laurea in Lettere Moderne, pubblica diversi saggi di storia del cinema. Affianca al lavoro di studiosa quello di regista sperimentale, documentarista e autrice che diviene la sua principale attività. Vincitrice del Premio Telethon per la ricerca di nuovi linguaggi artistici ed espressivi, ha partecipato, con i suoi film, in festival ed eventi tra cui Venezia, Tribeca, Festival del Film di Romae il Festival du cinemà du mond di Parigi.a del Cinema.
Born in Portici (NA) in 1998, begin to work in theater in 2006. In 2009 makes his first experience as assistant director, during the fiction “L'ultima trincea”, directed by Alberto Sironi. Then, works with some of the most influent italian directors, Gabriele Lavia, Gianni Amelio, Pippo Delbono. Studies piano and solfeggio, and loves literature and videogames, of which he writes about on www.fuoriposto.com.
I bambini si confrontano con l’esigenza di avere intorno un ambiente sano e sull’importanza di mantenerlo tale.
Summer 1910, North of France. Numerous tourists disappeared while relaxing on the beautiful Normandy beaches. Inspectors Machin and Malfoy soon understand that the epicenter of these mysterious disappearances must be Slack Bay, a unique site where the river Slack and the sea come together only throughout the high tide. There, lives a small community of fishermen and other oyster pickers. And in their bizarre stories will soon be involved the two curious characters.
Marion affronta Parigi di notte con un sentimento di vulnerabilità legato alla perdita della sorella. Incrocia la strada con Alex. Il loro incontro si evolverà al ritmo del loro peregrinare per la città, come un viaggio nella notte.




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