
Antonio, born on September 16th 1970, and Marco, born on January 15th 1968, are two brothers from Rome who have decided to give themselves the name of Manetti Bros (Brothers), just like their surname. A lot of eclectics start their careers with video clips and then they work for cinema and television. Marco studied screenwriting with the director Ettore Scola and the screenwriters Age and Scarpelli. He was also assistant to Marco Bellocchio, Vittorio Sindoni and Pasquale Squitieri.
Through a simple, ordinary conversation between two friends - a woman and her manicurist - this short movie talks about painful secrets hidden behind domestic walls. The warmth of the atmosphere and the truth of the situation make this story believable, melancholic, intimate. Another example about how dialogue and human connection can help people overcome their fears.
Mar Coll was born in 1981 in Barcelona. In 2004 she directed the short film La última polaroid, with which she graduated from the Escola Superior de Cinema the Audiovisuals de Catalunya and which earned her the best director award for the category of New Authors sponsored by the SGAE at the 38th International Film Festival of Catalonia in 2005. After her father's death, she made his first feature movie Three Days with the Family (2009) strongly connected and inspired by this theme. The film won the Gaudí Award for Best Director and the Goya Award for Best Debut Director.
2013: Diploma presso il Liceo Classico“Quinto Orazio Flacco” di Portici (NA). 2016: Laurea triennale presso l’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli nel corso di “Fotografia, Cinema e Televisione”, con voto finale di 110 e lode. Attualmente iscritta al “Corso di specializzazione per sceneggiatori” dell’ITS Rossellini. 2014: Aiuto regia del cortometraggio realizzato dall’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, “Lo stampatore”, regia di Stefano Incerti con Salvatore Cantalupo. 2015: Sceneggiatrice ed aiuto regista del cortometraggio realizzato dall’Accademia di Belle Arti di Napoli, “Ciò che so di le
Sezione V di Claudio B. Lauri (Ita, 2009, 28') Dom 14 h 19
Marcel Gisler was born in 1960 in Altstätten (St Gallen). He studied theatre and philosophy at the Free University of Berlin. In 1985 he produced his first film, Tagediebe (The Day of the Thieves), which was awarded the Silver Leopard at the Locarno Film Festival. His following films F. and stun salaud (Fogi is a bastard) Die Blaue Stunde (The Blue Hour) and Schlaflose NÄCHTE (Sleepless Nights) all won several awards and enjoyed considerable success at the box office. From 2003 to 2007 focused on screenwriting for the Swiss television series Lüthi & Blanc, writing a total of 35 episodes.
Marcello Anselmo is a radio director, historian, writer and documentarist. He currently works on Radio Rai 3 as director of the programme Zazà and as an audio documentary maker. In addition to articles and essays published in Lo Straniero, Nuovi Argomenti and Napoli Monitor, he has written: La Zantraglia. I mestieri del mare al tempo del Container, Mesogea, Palermo/Messina 2012 La Saitella. Strategie di sopravvivenza in territorio amico, Magmata, Naples, 2010.
Regista, autore, filmmaker, pedagogo. Dopo il Diploma in regia all’Accademia d’Arte Drammatica di Napoli, diretta da Guglielmo Guidi, la sua formazione teatrale comprende gli atelier di regia di Eimuntas Nekrosius alla Biennale di Venezia (1999, 2000), un seminario di regia con Mario Martone al Teatro Argentina (1999), il seminario di dram- maturgia Improv for Writers di Neil LaBute alla Biennale di Venezia (2012).
Nato il 7 dicembre 1965 a Napoli. Regista, insegnante. Laurea in regia teatrale all'Accademia Teatrale di Napoli diretta da Guglielmo Guidi e in regia alla New York Film Academy. Ha partecipato a due seminari con il regista Lituan Eimuntas Nekrosius e con il drammaturgo americano Neil LaBute alla Biennale di Venezia.




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