
He was born in Rostock, Germany, in 1993. After finishing high school in 2012, the following year he also completed an intership at the Institut fur neue Medien. Also in 2013 he began his activity as a freelance Filmmaker. In 2017 he became co-founder of Von Anfang Anders Filmproduktion. A clear felling is his debut in the fiction feature film after having made eight short films.
On a cold winter day Sergey Sobolev, a Major in a local police station, is driving to the hospital where his wife is about to give birth to their child. He is immensely happy but is driving too fast and hits a boy on the roadside, killing him. Now the major has two choices: go to jail or hide the crime. Sobolev decides to make a deal with his conscience and calls a colleague to get him out of the situation. But matters get complicated when Sobolev finally changes his mind and tries to pay for his deed ... but by now it is too late
After the liberation of five Cuban heroes the State television station decided to broadcast the documentary accompanying the work written by Emilio Vega as a tribute to the five heroes imprisoned at that time in the United States.
Come si forma un ricordo nella nostra memoria?
di Pier Paolo Pasolini (Ita, 1969, 110')8 Dom 8 h 17.30* – 19.30*
di Lars Von Trier (Dan, 1988, 76') v.it., video; Ven 6 h 20.00*, Sab 7 h 22.00*
di Tonino De Bernardi (Fra-Ita, 2007, 81') v.o., sott. ing; Dom 8 h 16.00* – 20.0
Mediterranean diet example to the world is a poetic journey narrated through the eyes and words of an old wisdom man who, after wandering the world and seeing a humanity saddened by hunger and misery, returns to Italy, in his native land , the Cilento. And it is precisely here that with its wisdom, will introduce us to the homeland of the Mediterranean diet, lifestyle proclaimed November 16, 2010 in Nairobi by UNESCO, "Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity".
Haifa, Israele. L’amicizia col vicino di casa Jalal aiuta Waaled, scrittore palestinese in crisi creativa, a ritrovare la verve e il desiderio di scrivere.




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