
Salvatore, cinquantenne napoletano, lavorava come tecnico in un negozio di ottica prima di restare disoccupato. La sua vita cambia quando diventa una comparsa assai richiesta per il cinema e la televisione, come ci racconta durante il periodo della pandemia, descrivendo dettagliatamente sé stesso e i suoi legami familiari con uno sguardo ingenuo, acuto e sorprendente.
The 1920s-set story concerns two violinist friends, Marcel and Pierre. One is famous and the other is not. Both are happy with their choices, but at a certain point Marcel falls in love with Romaine, his friend's wife. Pierre seems to suspect nothing and Romaine deliberately neglects him when he falls ill. While Marcel is away concert tour Romaine betrays both of them, having casual liaisons. At the end she realises she loves both Pierre and Marcel but cannot make a decision and ends up committing suicide.
Morando Ebert is a film critic who died before his marriage took place, apparently after entering an abandoned cinema. After that he was never heard of again. But he hasn't disappeared: he has remained "imprisoned" in the film theatre, where he met two actors, Alida Bettini and Walter Mastrogiacomo (who went missing years before). They had starred in "Souls in Torment," the last film to have been shown in the cinema, and were trapped by a fire that had broken out during the premiere screening.
The film is about the Cuban musical movement Nueva Trova, born between the end of the Sixties and the first years of the Seventies, and through its exponents tells about the intrinsic connections that relate them to the Vieja Trova. Silvio Rodriguez is the most popular exponent of the movement.
Mena Solipano è laureata in Sociologia presso l’Università Federico II di Napoli. Dal 2010 è curatrice di laboratori di cinema e animazione cinematografica per bambini e ragazzi presso diversi istituti scolastici napoletani. Nel corso degli anni ha realizzato circa cinquanta lavori di questo tipo, curandone sia la regia che la scrittura e il montaggio, conseguendo premi nei maggiori festival nazionali di audiovisivi per ragazzi.
Mena Solipano has a degree in sociology from the Federico II University of Naples. After graduation she did a web design course, which brought her into contact with the field of graphic design and web activities, tasks she currently performs professionally for the 'Arci movie' cultural association in Naples.
Ritratto autobiografico co-scritto da Jean Giraud e diretto da Damian Pettigrew per la retrospettiva del 2010 tenutasi alla Fondation Cartier for Contemporary Art di Parigi. La pellicola rivela diverse sfaccettature sconosciute del famoso autore di Blueberry, tra cui il sorprendente La Passione per i testi di Italo Calvino e della poetica di Arsenij Aleksandrovic Tarkovski.
In a small room overlooking the Bay of Naples, a young designer suspended in time and in the night faces the eternal struggle of the artist who tries to master his instruments. In the light of a magical moon, the conflict turns into a actual physical and symbolic battle. Dream and reality blend with the black ink and the intense colours, leading to the realisation that the signs bring us closer to becoming masters of our imagination. A dreamlike vision of the moment of enchantment when today becomes tomorrow.
"Mi chiamo Giancarlo Siani. Sono nato il 19 settembre 1959. Ho 26 anni. Per sempre." E' Giancarlo in prima persona (attraverso Domenico Cuomo) che trasporta lo spettatore nel viaggio alla scoperta della sua vita. Un viaggio che ricostruisce la storia, gli avvenimenti inediti, la morte ma soprattutto il lascito del giornalista tragicamente ucciso dalla camorra.
Director (son) and (actress mother) , victims of an unsolved and conflicting relationship and a shared passion for cinema . Both are nostalgic to appear on the big screen : with irony and surrealism, playing between reality and fiction . Recriminations and revenge . All this while he’s looking for a film, The barrier of the law, in which she starred sixty years ago when she was still very beautiful , her most important role, which , for inexplicable reasons , she never wanted to see.




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