
di Angelo Fienga (Ita, 2010, 10') Scuola Media Statale “A. Maiuri” - Pompei, mer 9 Having to deal with a rubbish crisis is a shocking thing, so make sure you recycle your waste, other wise you are committing an offence against the environment and you will be judged by the contrappasso law, where the penalty fi ts the crime,and you will be punished in the netherworld.
di Alessandro e Cristiano Di Felice (Ita, 2008, 73'); Mer 10 h 18.30
di Billy Wilder (Usa, 1966, 100') v.o. sott. it. ven 11 h 15,30 – h 22,00 Harry Hinkle, a cameraman for an American TV station, is sent to cover a football game. While filming the game, he gets knocked over and trampled by a player, Luther Jackson. Although Harry is not badly hurt, his lawyer brother-in-law Willy convinces him to fake a more serious injury and make a big insurance claim. Harry agrees to go along with this, hoping to fulfil his dream of being rich enough to win back his wife Sandy, who has run off with a drummer.
di Billy Wilder (Usa, 1966, 100') v.o. sott. it. ven 11 h 15,30 – h 22,00 Harry Hinkle, a cameraman for an American TV station, is sent to cover a football game. While filming the game, he gets knocked over and trampled by a player, Luther Jackson. Although Harry is not badly hurt, his lawyer brother-in-law Willy convinces him to fake a more serious injury and make a big insurance claim. Harry agrees to go along with this, hoping to fulfil his dream of being rich enough to win back his wife Sandy, who has run off with a drummer.
Giuseppe, malato di Alzheimer ad uno stadio avanzato, è ricoverato in una clinica. Questo è il racconto di una sua giornata, della sua routine, della sua realtà sempre uguale a se stessa, di ogni cosa vissuta sempre come fosse la prima volta.Come ogni mattina un' infermiera entra nella stanza di Giuseppe per svegliarlo, ma quel giorno Giuseppe ha già gli occhi aperti, ansima, agitato da un inquietante incubo. Così comincia la sua giornata. In mensa, Giuseppe è seduto e gli si avvicina Anna, sua moglie, ma lui non la riconosce.
di Cristiano Luchini (Ita, 2010, 7') mon 7 We think we are refl ecting when we are merely reshuffl ing our prejudices. The protagonist will go through an experience that will throw his convictions up in the air...
A tragic motorcycle accident endangers the life of a fifteen-year-old girl. She is the daughter of a surgeon, Timothy. The wating during the post-operation, while she fights between life and death, becomes a privileged occasion for a secret confession of Timothy, not so much as a father but as a man. It is the story of a extramarital love story of many years before, with a prostitute, Italia. Timothy, drunk, raped her. From a controversial relationship, begun with sexual abuse of Italia, there was a genuine sentimental relationship.
An accountant, a post office employee, a fashion designer, a city council member, a public employee. Five people like any other, with days marked by work, family, friends. Until their lives are crushed by wrongful justice, handcuffs, endless trials and unjust imprisonment.
William, affetto da sclerosis multipla, dopo la morte della moglie rimane da solo con Lucie la figlia di 15 anni. Lucie dato che il padre agisce come un adolescente e’ cosretta a maturare prima dei ragazzi della sua eta’. Deve prendersi cura del padre e della propria vita. Studia, lavora e manda avanti la casa. Si mette a scrivere un romanzo autobiografico, ma I servizi sociali sono alla porta e Lucie e William devono convincerli che possono farcela da soli.
Come si fa a vivere la giornata con 9 figli? A sbarcare il lunario con 9 figli? Ad arrivare a fine mese con 9 figli? Il documentario racconta la singolare storia di Anna, moglie, operatrice sociale e madre di 9 figli.“Normale #lafede” è l’ultimo episodio della trilogia del docu-experience “Normale”, raccontare il sociale attraverso l’audiovisivo.




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