
dRegia Fabio Ferro Sydney Sibilia Sceneggiatura Fabio Ferro Sydney Sibilia Fotografia Antonio Grambone (a. i. c.) Montaggio Gianni Vezzosi Musica Alibìa Interpreti Sydney Sibilia Fabio Ferro Miriam Candur Edmondo J. Sparano Produzione Tathagata Origine Italia, 2007 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 15' Synopsis "Do you believe in destiny? I don't! At least until that day. The day when the destiny appeared at my door, and told me its name."
dRegia Fabio Ferro Sydney Sibilia Sceneggiatura Fabio Ferro Sydney Sibilia Fotografia Antonio Grambone (a. i. c.) Montaggio Gianni Vezzosi Musica Alibìa Interpreti Sydney Sibilia Fabio Ferro Miriam Candur Edmondo J. Sparano Produzione Tathagata Origine Italia, 2007 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 15' Synopsis "Do you believe in destiny? I don't! At least until that day. The day when the destiny appeared at my door, and told me its name."
di Daniele Cini (Ita, 2008 82') mer 9 h 22,00 On 5 Ottober 2006 proceedings began in the newly opened trial of the Argentine generals responsible for the genocide in the 1970s and for the kidnapping and murder of some Italian citizens. The trial regards a particular place, perhaps the most terrible sites of death of that dark period: the ESMA, the Navy School of Mechanics, where 5,000 young people were tortured and ‘disappeared' by being flung from airplanes over the open sea or in the River Plate. Less than 200 of them survived.
di Daniele Cini (Ita, 2008 82') mer 9 h 22,00 On 5 Ottober 2006 proceedings began in the newly opened trial of the Argentine generals responsible for the genocide in the 1970s and for the kidnapping and murder of some Italian citizens. The trial regards a particular place, perhaps the most terrible sites of death of that dark period: the ESMA, the Navy School of Mechanics, where 5,000 young people were tortured and ‘disappeared' by being flung from airplanes over the open sea or in the River Plate. Less than 200 of them survived.
Domenico, Salvatore and Angelo are three young men who live in Cilento. We’re in the period of the Bourbon’s domination and repression, in 1828. They react to the historical period in very different ways and we assist to their stories through the four chapters whereby the director divides the movie. Giuseppe Mazzini’s Young Italy and the Italian Risorgimento are the historical events that imprint the story.
Vittoria, Alessandro e Leonardo sono tre amici che nascondono una parte di loro ai compagni. Nel corso di una giornata scolastica saranno svelate le loro paure.
di Luigi Favali (Ita, 2007, 25') Mer 13 h 21.00




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