
A long secret dinner in a restaurant, like two clandestine lovers, combines and divides in continuous bickering two spouses with children, in the continuous re-evocation of shared joys and sorrows in a mutual play of recriminations and grievances. A paradoxical situation, under the prying eyes of the attendees. An intense and long love, apparently delimited by an imminent separation. All this with the complicity of an abortion by her and a betrayal by him. But in spite of that, the situation actaully continues to escape any label and definition.
Night. 4:45 a.m. A determined photographer dispassionately seeks to capture the essential animal nature of cats. Two Romanians roam the city streets in a SUV, drinking furiously. A man and a woman engage in sub-dom roleplay in their lovemaking, in the bedroom of a beach house. Three stories intertwine, etching themselves onto each other.
Nevio Casadio, is a professional journalist, reporter, and television author. Among the different newspapers and magazines he wrote for La Repubblica, Oggi and Il Mattino. In Rai, as a pupil of Sergio Zavoli, he developed the activity of author in the areas of study, from Special Tg1 to La storia siamo noi; from tv7 to Once upon a time; signing numerous reports and surveys, in Italy and in the world, from the Balkans to India. In 2010, Rai Tre signed the film "The Ulysses of the Countryside" dedicated to Tonino Guerra.
di Donatello Porrazzo (Ita, 2005, 10') Dom 17 h 18.25
Buenos Aires, 7 Settembre 2013. Nel quartiere Zavaleta, alle ore 6:00 del mattino,a 150 metri dallo stazionamento della prefettura, due bande di narcotrafficanti esterne al quartiere, si affrontano per conquistare una casa disabitata. La sparatoria dura tre ore, esplodono 105 colpi. Uno di questi uccide Kevin, 9 anni. Per tre giorni la notizia non viene riportata da nessun canale d'informazione. Il notiziario nazionale ne parla dopo otto giorni. La comunita' di Zavaleta reagisce unita.
Nicola Prosatore inizia molto giovane a mettersi alla prova con ciò che lo affascina di più: la commistione di generi e la narrazione pura. Da questa pulsione nascono la regia di promo e commercials, le serie documentaristiche e i programmi televisivi per la RAI, Mtv, Discovery, Sky. Il primo cortometraggio, Il Serpente, è finalista ai Nastri D’argento 2015 dopo aver ottenuto molti riconoscimenti a festival nazionali e internazionali. Nel 2017 realizza il primo lungometraggio tv per Sky cinema.
He debuted in 2009 with the short film L’Ultimo Nastro (“The last tape”). He is a screenwriter, film and theatre director and assistant director. He graduated in Literature and Philosophy at the Rome University La Sapienza, with a three-year thesis on Giorgio Strehler’s theatre and a Master's thesis entitled La Zona Grigia. Voci dal Lager(“The Grey Zone, Voices from the Lager”), published by Edizioni Artistiche Italiane (“Italian Artistic Editions”). He studied at the Rome Film Academy, attending Film Direction and Writingcourses and Actor Direction and Theatre Direction courses.




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