
di Lara Rastelli (Ita, 2006, 100') Dom 17 h 18.40
Sezione V di Peppe Giacomini (Ita, 2009, 13') Dom 14 h 18.50
Dorothy, heroine of The Wizard of Oz, has become an alcoholic with serious mental problems. Her psychiatrist Dr. Gulch tries to bring her back to reality, but Dorothy is determined to return to the wonderful world of Oz. The characters of No Place Like Oz inhabit the zone between dreams and reality. Through a play of perception, the viewer is drawn into the dream world of the central character, whose fantastic journey has left her extremely anxious at having to return to reality.
di A.A.V.V. (30') v.o.; Mer 10 h 21.30 – Sab 13h 21.30
di A.A.V.V. (30') v.o.; Gio 11 h 21.30 – Dom 14 h 21.30
di A.A.V.V. (30') v.o.; Gio 11 h 21.30 – Dom 14 h 21.30




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