
The documentary is inspired by the narrative thread of the same text by Norman Lewis, a British official in southern Italy during the period of liberation, and later became a famous writer. The director Francesco Patierno, using some of the epic films (Istituto Luce Cinecittà, National Archives and Records Administration, Imperial War Museum, Getty Images) mixed with movies such as Liliana Cavani's The Skin and Nanny Loy's Four Days in Naples relives the atmosphere of desperate but living Naples in the immediate aftermath of the postwar period.
A Milanese company buys a plot of land in Naples for the construction of an industrial plant. In this part of the city's outskirts in the post-war period, many poor families live in terrible conditions. Nevertheless, they are forced to leave. Some of the elders rebel and end up dying as the makeshift homes collapse. The others rebel against the Milanese civil engineer in charge of the project. The engineer escapes and takes shelter in the house of Annina, a girl who lives in the same area where the accident happened.
Chiara is a supporter of Naples football club, Matthew is a researcher, Alex is a pizza maker and Diego is a restaurant owner. Sergio is an actor as are Stefania and Daniela. Sandra is an architect, Emanuele a pharmacist and Marcello has a communications company. What unites these and so many other people? They are Neapolitans who live in Barcelona. They tell of the dreams and hopes, successes and failures, pros and cons that add up when you choose to live in a foreign country.
Due ragazzi finiti in coma si presentano alle porte del Paradiso, ma, in quanto napoletani, non vengono accettati.. Arrivano a spiegare la situazione a Dio che provvede egregiamente
Un viaggio in un secolo di film sulla Napoli criminale, attraverso i racconti dei protagonisti e immagini inedite. La città di Napoli nell’immaginario collettivo sorride, piange e spara. Un fascino che atterrisce, tanto che il volto contraddittorio della metropoli campana si riflette anche sul grande schermo, ispirando storie drammatiche e avvincenti. Proprio da questo nasce Napoli calibro 35 mm, dal cinema delle origini a Gomorra a cura di Paolo Spagnuolo e Paolo Speranza e con la prefazione di Steve Della Casa.
di Aldo Zappalà in collaborazione con Master di Giornalismo dell'Università Suor Orsola Benincasa di Napoli; Mer 10 h 21.00
Roberto, a Neapolitan musician, is in love with Stella and he would like to have her as a wife. However, her mother does not consider the young man an enough important marriage prospect. In fact, she prefers a baron who, however, is an inveterate gambler and does not have the favors of Stella. Thanks to a friend of Stella's mother, the young woman and Roberto finally manage to get engaged. But the Baron throws mud on the poor girl and manages to push Roberto to leave her. The musician then leaves for a tour with a singer in South America.




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