
Nel cuore di Brooklyn si nasconde un luogo dove il tempo sembra essersi fermato: una palazzina interamente abitata da una famiglia di origine campana. L’inaspettata scoperta da parte della regista di questa piccola Napoli ha il sapore di una madeleine proustiana.
di Antonio Borriello (Ita, 2009, 5') sat 5 Naples and its problems: you mustn't give in to the constant griping of those who don't know its people.
Un incubo espressionista nel quale un inventore e un suo collega testano l’Automa, una macchina capace di creare le cose dal nulla. La macchina funziona benissimo, ma solo se le cose che le vengono chieste di creare iniziano con la lettera N…in tedesco. I risultati del test saranno prevedibilmente catastrofici.
Stories told by young and old men, gathered and questioned by the author-director who, at the opposite of Pier Paolo Pasolini (who was looking for the reality and the human being) builds and makes places and her cinematographic appearance and answers are between reality and provocation. Danco is omnipresent (direction, composition and interpretation) and fashions the filmon herself, as a portfolio of possibilities.
THE BIRTH OF OCTOPUS - Three teenagers, three girls, each of which is 15 years old and practises sync swimming, fall in love for the first time. Anne is the most resolute in her decision to lose her virginity and fancies the passionate François. Floriane is clever and outgoing as well as appealing and her boyfriend is right him, François. Marie, instead, is attracted and in love with Floriane. All of them have psychological problems to solve even if they look very self-confident.
Her real name is Anna Cecchi, costume designer for films, opera and stage plays. She was born in Rome on March 5th 1952. Her first important work was for the Opera House of Rome; she designed the costumes for Ernani by Giuseppe Verdi in the production where Bruno Bartoletti was the orchestra conductor. She began working for films in 1983 with the director Giacomo Battiato (with whom she would work for Stradivari in 1988 and Una vita scellerata (Wicked life) in 1990), I paladini – Storia d’armi e d’amori. On this occasion she won the David di Donatello Award.
Nato a Napoli nel 1970. Attore cinematografico, sceneggiatore, regista e presidente della RAMPA FILM APS. Tra i film in cui ha recitato Un camorrista perbene (2010), Gomorra (2. serie), Il Camorrista (2017), Ed è subito sera (2019), Lupo Bianco (2019). Dirige il suo primo cortometraggio sociale nel 2018 dal titolo "UNA VITA DA SOGNO"
Moretti was born in Bruneck, South Tyrol, Italy, to Roman parents who were both teachers. His father was the late epigraphist Luigi Moretti, an influential Greek teacher at Sapienza University of Rome. While growing up he discovered his two passions, the cinema and water polo. Having finished his studies he pursued a career as a producer, and in 1973 directed his first two short films: Pâté de bourgeois and The Defeat (La sconfitta). His brother is the renowned literary scholar Franco Moretti.




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