
Nato a Ismailia, Egitto nel 1978. Dopo gli studi in Economia ha lavorato per due anni in una banca americana. Poi ha deciso di orientarsi consapevolmente verso il cinema, e ha studiato alla New York Film Academy. Si e’ occupato poi di sceneggiature per diversi film di successo, tra cui El Gezira (L'Isola) considerato uno dei maggiori successi commerciali del cinema egiziano. Per il suo primo lungometraggio da regista, 678 si è ispirato a un fatto sociale reale, risalente al 2008: la prima causa intentata da una donna in Egitto per molestie sessuali.
He was born in January 1st, 1957 in Oued Zem, Morocco. In 1983 left his country origin to study computer science in Nice. Then followed his path. He moved to Bologna in 1985 where he studied cinema. Journalist, photographer, screenwriter and producer, he made his first fiction feature fiction film Risveglio in 2005. He took Italian citizenship and with the company Ouarzazate films made some documentaries and other two fiction movies in 2008 and 2013. At the same time he was active as a screenplay and film history teacher at the universities of Fez and Rabat.
An American middle-aged woman suddenly discovers her true origins only after her parents’ death. Deeply shocked and in the middle of a real identity crisis, she decides to travel hoping to embrace her unknown natural mother. So she goes to a small and remote town in southern Italy, Montedoro. At her arrival she's surprised by an apocalyptic scenario: the town, set on a majestic hill, is completely abandoned and it seems there’s nobody left.

With Marlon Brando, James Dean and Paul Newman, he was the greatest actor of his generation. Edward Montgomery "Monty" Clift was born on October 17th, 1920 in Omaha, Nebraska. His father William Brooks Clift was a banker, vice-president of the Omaha National Trust Company. His mother, whose maiden name was Ethel Anderson Fogg, was nicknamed "Sunny". His family had English, Dutch and even Scottish origins.

In occasione dell’esposizione “Winckelmann e le raccolte del MANN. Monumenti antichi inediti"(24.06.-25.09.2017) che il Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli ha in programma per celebrare i trecento anni della nascita del famoso archeologo tedesco, gli attori Marco Mario de Notaris e Peppe Servillo leggono brani scelti da “Monumenti Antichi Inediti” (1767) e dalle lettere. La voce degli attori italiani farà rivivere Winkelmann mentre descrive le opere dell’antichità da lui studiate e ora conservate nelle collezioni del MANN.
Lontano da Dove – Africa Nera di Ousmane Sembène (Sn, 2004, 117')4 v.o., sott. it.; Mer 11 h 16.00 – 18.30
A fat man with a hat, glasses and moustache enters a room. A man is asleep in the bed. The first man sticks a knife into his body, covering his mouth to prevent him from screaming. The fat man leaves the room.
Renato Caccioppoli is a Pure Maths Professor at Naples University. He is full of problems, after being hospitalized for a while in a psychiatric hospital and being abandoned by his wife. He doesn’t even get along with his fellow party members anymore and lives in a pretty surreal way. His opportunist wife then tries to get back in his life but Renato already lives in another reality and with a gunshot puts an end to his life.
Luca e Marco, due gemelli di 11 anni, si perdono in un bosco. Comincia a piovere e passano una nottata in un vecchio scantinato, ex deposito di scenografie, abbandonato. Luca ha paura e comincia ad avere allucinazioni ed incubi. Marco lo terrorizza ma allo stesso tempo lo aiuta a superare le proprie paure. Alla fine Luca torna a casa e Marco non c’è.




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