
Pablo Berger was born in 1963 in Bilbao. He attended primary and secondary school on the outskirts of Bilbao and directed his first short film, Mamà, in 1988 with the artistic direction of Alex de la Iglesia and Ramon Barea. With the financial winnings from a grant he studied at the New York Film Academy. He became a music producer and in 2003 directed his first feature film Torremolinos 73. After 9 years his next film came out, Blancanieves which won ten Goya Awards and was nominated as the Spanish representative of the Academy Awards .
The 1940s. Sardinia. Efisio Ledda decides that his six year-old son Gavino has to quit attending school and help in the fields with the sheep. The boy is removed from the school after only two months of lessons. For many years his relationship with his father is one of slave and master, love and hate. When he goes to do his military service he is finally able to value himself and the education that his father has robbed him of. He finally succeeds in pursuing his studies, eventually graduating from university and later becoming historian of his culture.
Nel profondo sud dell'Italia sopravvivono antichi sincretismi religiosi legati alla Madre Terra. A Pagani, nei pressi di Pompei, sette giorni dopo Pasqua si celebra la Madonna delle Galline, una Vergine venerata con canti e danze ancestrali. Per trenta giorni il popolo dei devoti si muove all'unisono per perpetuare la Tradizione, un evento a cui tutti partecipano animati da una fede che diventa memoria e trascendenza. Fonzino è il prescelto che guida il popolo nella costruzione del Tosello, un tempietto barocco segreto, rivelato alla comunità ogni anno il giorno della festa.
The Guastaferro family is not given to welcoming strangers into its house, presided over by the ageing, austere matron and her three children from as many relationships that ended badly. When treacherous lawyer Liparelli manages to get his feet under the family table, matters take a turn for the worse.
Si avvicina al mondo dell'arte visiva fin da ragazzo. La passione per il cinema lo porta a specializzarsi alla Scuola di Cinema di Roma. Ad oggi vanta numerose collaborazioni con grandi professionisti del settore cinematografico, sia come regista, operatore di ripresa e montatore. La sua esperienza nel campo della produzione e post- produzione lo ha portato alla fondazione di Studio 24 moving photo.
Born in Murcia in 1979, Paloma relocated to Barcelona in 2004 after finishing her Fine Arts studies. Since then she has establised herself as one of the music video directors that has the most international renown in Spain. She has worked with artists from around the world working between the cities of Barcelona and London. Her work has a very personal aesthetics while maintaining closeness to the music itself. Casamance is her first feature-length documentary.
The story of Rosalba, a housewife with an unfaithful husband and two children. On the way back from a package trip to Paestum she gets left behind at a motorway service station. She decides that this is a fateful sign for her to try to change her life. She goes to Venice but has no money. She happens upon Fernando, an Icelandic waiter who works in a small restaurant. He offers her accommodation. A friendship grows between them but soon Rosalba must return to her family in Pescara. Fernando decides to follow her and declare his love for her.
Director: Dino Risi Screenplay: Marcello Girosi, Ettore Maria Margadonna, Vincenzo Talarico, Dino Risi Cast: Vittorio De Sica, Sophia Loren, Lea Padovani, Antonio Cifariello, Mario Carotenuto, Tina Pica Cinematography: Giuseppe Rotunno, Enzo Barboni Editing: Mario Serandrei Music: Alessandro Cicognini Production: Marcello Girosi per Titanus, Societe' Generale De Cinematographie Country: Italia - Francia, 1955 Lenght: 101 Min Format: 35mm, colore Synopsis: Marshall Antonio Carotenuto returns to Sorrento to take command of the local police force.




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