
Guest at NFF 2007


2007 - Rosso Malpelo
2005 - La passione di Giosuè l'ebreo
2003 - Gli indesiderabili
2000 - Placido Rizzotto

A retired professor is sitting at a table in an outdoor bar on a nice sunny day. The waitress brings him breakfast. Immediately afterwards a boy arrives, and the professor invites him to sit down, waiting for him. The boy has dark skin, he comes from Mali. He is well dressed, serene, he too ready for the "game" that the professor must lead. This is a puzzle race, where you win by completing a crossword puzzle in full. But there is a variant that makes the test impossible: to guess the solutions before the question is asked. And yet the boy comes to an end. Almost…
Agrarian environment in the mid-14th century. Vineyards and olive tree groves extend as far as the eye can see. Far away, there is a farmstead, simple but not poor. The family who lives there consists of the father, the mother and an eight-year-old son named Nino. They live as farmers, they have all the necessary and nothing more. The rhythm of their days is established by the hours marked by the chiming of the bells, the passing of the seasons, the rising of the sun, the rain and the wind, the scorching heat of summer. Nino wakes up at dawn and brings the goats grazing.
Pietro è un artigiano navale, indebitato con il malavitoso Raffaele. Un giorno Raffaele intima a Pietro di badare a una migrante destinata al giro della prostituzione. al ritorno dello strozzino Pietro tenterà di difenderla. Il finale è crudo, con la vittima che si fa carnefice anelando alla propria libertà.
Nato a Parigi il 12 novembre 1947. Regista, sceneggiatore e scrittore. Il debutto arriva con il film Il cadavere era gia’ morto. Divenne noto come sceneggiatore e regista negli anni '70 e '80 con diverse commedie popolari come Les Bronzés (1978) e Les Bronzés font du ski (1979). Non solo venticinque anni dopo dirige Les Bronzés 3 (2006).
Sezione III di Gino Perna (Ita, 2008,4') Mar 10 h 18.23, Sab 14 h 18.23
Born in Zagreb, Croatia in 1967, graduating Dramaturgy at the Academy of Dramatic Arts in Zagreb. His theatre plays, performed in Croatia and abroad, have garnered numerous awards. From 1996 till 2005 he was working as a dramaturge editor in Drama Program of Croatian National Broadcaster. 2006 together with Dražen Žarković, he co-directed the film «Trešeta»/ (Tressette – a Story of an Island»). In 2009 he has written and directed a feature „Ljubavni život domobrana“ („Love Life of a Gentle Coward“) which was premierly shown on Pula Film Festival where it won 3 Golden Arenas.




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