
Pazzo & Bella sono due poveri, stupidi e inutili guardiani di un garage nel quale vivono. Pazzo, gambizzato per sbaglio pochi anni prima, passa le giornate sulla sedia a rotelle a guardare programmi di cronaca nera, mentre Bella cerca fortuna tra slot machines e gratta & vinci in un baretto di periferia. Per emanciparsi dallo squallore delle loro vita, Pazzo e Bella credono di essere disposti a tutto. Ma Bella è troppo stupida e Pazzo è troppo vigliacco. Solo il loro grande amore potrà aiutarli a compiere il peggiore errore della loro vita.
di Alessandro Blasetti (1954, 95') When young and attractive Lina Stroppiani, a thief like the rest of her family, tries to steal the taxi of Paolo, together with two accomplices, she can't possibly know that this will have far reaching consequences...
Late afternoon by the river, a concert near the water. Rodolphe notices Alex, young and shy hang up on Julia, a Parisian woman on holiday. Rodolphe feels he needs to help Alex in his own way.
Tommaso and Cecilia are engaged and on the verge of marriage, but Cecilia has a very jealous temperament. They have a friend Amedeo, whose sister is in love with Tommaso, who does not reciprocate. She tries to kill Tommaso by putting mouse poison in his coffee and also sets fire to the motorcycle of Enea, Cecilia's new boyfriend. Thomas is determined to get Cecilia back and resorts to white magic. This time awards were taken by Antonio Orlando (David di Donatello), Francesca Neri (Silver Ribbon) and Pino Daniele (Silver Ribbon and Golden Globe).
di Sergio Leone (Ita, 1965, 130')3 Sab 14 h 21.30 *
di Ilaria Paganelli (Ita, 2009, 89') dom 6 h 18,10 Two existences, two destinies cross and are completed against the backdrop of a mysterious and magical land. Isak, a young musician under the strong influence of his father and of his homeland, falls prey to an existential crisis and decides to leave the place that's preventing him from being himself and fulfilling his dream of being composer. He grabs the opportunity to go to Sardinia and live at S'Archittu, in a house on the cliffs, close to another house that has been derelict for a long time.
Metà degli anni Settanta. In Italia c’è il referendum per la legge sul divorzio Il referendum è molto sentito, la campagna ha toni molto accesi. Sul tavolo c'è l'indissolubilità del. Il popolo italiano è chiamato a decidere se mantenere la legge o abrogarla. Politicamente c’è la rottura tra Democrazia Cristiana che sostiene il matrimonio per tutta la vita e la sinistra post-sessantottina che è più realista. Sono ora passati quarant’anni e attraverso filmati d’epoca e considerazioni si traccia un fenomeno che ha portato i matrimoni seguiti da divorzio al 30%.
The image created might seem highly didactic compared to the films of Antonioni, but it tends to represent a state of anxiety (the crack of the door jamb) and the search for equilibrium (the egg as the beginning or end of all things) in the complex and polluted jungle that is represented by the female persona.
Naples. Pasquale survives doing odd jobs in his neighbourhood. He must now come to terms with the loss of the person dearest to him: his wife. A journey into the innermost desires of a man, the denial of death and the desire to recover lost love bring Pasquale to an inexorable end.




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