
di Oliver Stone (USA, 1986, 120') v.it.; Dom 15 h 21.30*
di Adam Selo (Ita, 2009, 52') dom 6 On the eve of the important feast of the Virgin of Guadalupe, the indigenous Nahua community talks to a fi lm crew that organising some arts workshops in local schools. This drawn out contact between natives and outsiders brings to light the strange stories, desires, needs and hopes of an indigenous community of the third millennium. Watch the video
Giuseppe listens to a radio broadcast of a priest calling for missionaries for Africa. That day changes his life forever. He drops everything in Milan and moves to Tanzania. He has now been a lay missionary for nearly ten years. This is the story of a man who through his mission tries to find meaning in his own existence. Will he find the answers to his existential questions?
di Toni D'angelo (Ita, 2009, 69') sab 5 A singular journey into the hidden poetry of the metropolis, describing Rome through the images and words of the fi lm's two protagonists: Biagio Propato and Salvatore Sansone. Biagio and Salvatore haven't met for years and bump into each other by chance in the Catholic Cemetery in Rome where both have gone to visit the tomb of Gregory Corso, the Beat poet who spent the last years of his life declaiming poetry in Piazza Campo de' Fiori.
In space, the terrible Hill Enemy wants to conquer the galaxy. Clown Mr.D, a space guard, is looking for an Earth kid with creative abilities. He finds one and contacts him through his computer. The young man is transported into space. His name space is POLLASTRO (chicken). In his spaceship, he travels forth to save the galaxy.
After Faranguisse becomes enraged at her musician husband Nasser-Ali for failing to take care of his children, she takes his violin and smashes it. Nasser-Ali then goes on a quest to find a new violin, but after purchasing a Stradivarius and attempting to play it, he realizes that he has lost his will to play and therefore to live. After contemplating various methods of suicide he finally decides to take to his bed and simply die there. In the midst of his attempts to die, Faranguisse, finally concerned, cooks Nasser-Ali his favourite dish of chicken with plums.
Athens, today. Three siblings face the prospect of selling their family home. The potential buyers will tear it down and erect a modern building in its place. Alexis defends the sale, arguing his position in terms of the financial benefits that it will bring. Anna reacts negatively. For her, their family home is the memory of her childhood. Amalia hesitates, trapped between her emotional reservations and practical needs. The heroes are in conflict with themselves in a city that is in conflict with the memory of its history
Gallery owner Arturo Marchesi is entangled in an unhappy affair with organised crime and wants to get out. Having decided to close down his gallery, he is waiting for the removals men when he is murdered by two killers Nick and Sal. When Sal goes off to get what he needs to finish the job, the young Nick, awkward and clumsy on his first day as a gangster, is left alone at the scene of the crime. What seemed to him a simple job - the cleaning up of the crime scene - becomes a maestrom of absurd killings involving imporabable characters from the art world.




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