
di Rafal Wieczynski  (Pol, 2009, 149') v.it. sab 5 h 19,40 The film retells the dramatic story of Jerzy Popieluszko, the young priest in 1980s Poland who used his sermons to attack the lies spread by the government and publicised the hardships suffered by the people, oppressed by martial law and the menacing presence of tanks in the streets. Closely linked with the workers' movement and the Solidarnosc trade unions, Father Popieluszko was kidnapped, tortured and murdered by the Soviet secret services.
Porta Capuana era l'ingresso principale della città di Napoli, il punto attraverso il quale si entrava nel centro della città da est. La porta con le sue pietre antiche che traspare storie antiche e presenti è ancora oggi un luogo di frontiera, passaggio, attesa. Oggi è il luogo di arrivo e partenza per africani, cinesi, bulgari, ucraini e tatari.
Posidonia is a film that seeks to recount the relationship between the (humanised) coast of a metropolis and its seabed, and the industrialisation of the surrounding area. The personal story of an underwater adventurer who, by an accident of history finds himself plumbing the depths of the seabed around Naples; add to this the transformation of a coastline that in less than a century has proven to be a potential gathering point for civilisation, science and technology. Posidonia is a journey through the resistances of Nature, acting like sand in an engine.
Vittoria convinta dalla sua amica Laura decide di fare uno scherzo a Giulia, la ragazza più timida e dolce della classe. Invitandola a vedere un film romantico le avrebbe invece fatto vedere un film horror, sapendo della sua paura verso il genere. Il giorno dopo Giulia sarà inspiegabilmente assente a scuola e Vittoria avrà una giornata che difficilmente potrà dimenticare.
Director: Dino Risi Screenplay: Dino Risi, Pasquale Festa Campanile, Massimo Franciosa Cast: Marisa Allasio, Maurizio Arena, Renato Salvatori, Memmo Carotenuto, Alessandra Panaro, Mario Carotenuto, Lorella De Luca Cinematography: Tonino Delli Colli Editing: Mario Serandrei Music: Piero Piccioni, Giorgio Fabor Production: Silvio Clementelli per Titanus Country: Italia, 1957 Lenght: 102 Min Format: 35mm, bn Synopsis: Romolo and Salvatore are the best of friends, interested more in chasing girls than in finding work. They both fall in love with the same young woman and begin to pursue her.
Director: Dino Risi Screenplay: Dino Risi, Pasquale Festa Campanile, Massimo Franciosa Cast: Marisa Allasio, Maurizio Arena, Renato Salvatori, Memmo Carotenuto, Alessandra Panaro, Mario Carotenuto, Lorella De Luca Cinematography: Tonino Delli Colli Editing: Mario Serandrei Music: Piero Piccioni, Giorgio Fabor Production: Silvio Clementelli per Titanus Country: Italia, 1957 Lenght: 102 Min Format: 35mm, bn Synopsis: Romolo and Salvatore are the best of friends, interested more in chasing girls than in finding work. They both fall in love with the same young woman and begin to pursue her.
Una bambina vorrebbe uscire per giocare all’aria aperta, ma il cellulare di sua madre, sempre in attività, glielo impedisce.
In Poland during the post-war period, the famous painter Władysław Strzemiński works as a professor in the National School of Fine Arts in Łódź. Great artist, founder of the Museum of Modern Art of the city and theorist of the current of Unionism, is considered by his students as the "Messiah of modern painting", even if the university authorities and the Ministry of Culture are not of the same opinion.
di Antonello Novellino (Ita, 2005, 4') Sab 16 h 19.35; Mer 20 h 17.25




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