
Cosa, o meglio chi si nasconde dietro i personaggi che vediamo in scena? Tutti gli spettacoli a cui assistiamo, da cui siamo rapiti, che applaudiamo, sono popolati di attori, cantanti, musicisti, danzatori, artisti insomma. Conosciamo le loro storie, la loro vita e le loro motivazioni? Cosa li ha spinti ad intraprendere questa professione?
Director: Dino Risi Screenplay: Dino Risi, Ruggero Maccari Cast: Vittorio Gassman, Alessandro Momo, Agostina Belli, Moira Orfei, Franco Ricci Cinematography: Claudio Cirillo Editing: Alberto Gallitti Music: Armando Trovajoli Production: Pio Angeletti e Adriano De Micheli per Dean Film Country: Italia, 1974 Lenght: 102 Min Format: 35mm, colore Synopsis: An army captain, surly and unsociable, forced to retire as a result of an accident that has left him blind, travels across Italy accompanied by a young recruit.
Director: Dino Risi Screenplay: Dino Risi, Ruggero Maccari Cast: Vittorio Gassman, Alessandro Momo, Agostina Belli, Moira Orfei, Franco Ricci Cinematography: Claudio Cirillo Editing: Alberto Gallitti Music: Armando Trovajoli Production: Pio Angeletti e Adriano De Micheli per Dean Film Country: Italia, 1974 Lenght: 102 Min Format: 35mm, colore Synopsis: An army captain, surly and unsociable, forced to retire as a result of an accident that has left him blind, travels across Italy accompanied by a young recruit.
di Joel Stangle (Ita, 2010, 90') mer 9 h 20,15 In the Sicilian villane of Scillichenti, the women are scented with lemons and their beauty is such to make men lose their heads. When the young protagonist Gio realises he loves them all he does everything possible to gain their attention. When waiting under balconies and sending poems proves unsuccessful, he remembers the story of a stone that has the power to make all women say yes. Gio sets off in search of this stone, on a journey that takes him around Etna, under the Mediterranean sea and into himself.
Sezione II di Giuseppe Tuccillo (Ita, 2009, 5') Gio 11 h 20.00
This is a very literary flight of fancy. Clive Langham, a very sick old writer, mixes memories with fiction, playing games with his mind, his thoughts and the family members who become characters in his story. Guilt and resentment creeps in, making everything more and more confused. In the morning his guests arrive to celebrate his birthday and they are very different from the fantasy versions. This film was well received in Italy and deserves to fully reassessed. Its influence has been noted in two David Lynch films, Lost Highway and Mulholland Drive.
di Enrico Morabito (Ita, 2009, 5') Lun 15 h 17.50
Sezione II di Lorenzo Cioffi (Ita, 2007, 32') Lun 9 h 17.50




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