
In a series of allegorical images, the love story of a man and a woman unfolds. Victims of their inability to communicate, they see their love turn to dust. But like a black brush that marks a white canvas, their strange story will remain indelibly imprinted on their bodies, as long as their inner selves lack the courage to erase it.
Maria and Pasquale move into an old palazzo building in Naples. The woman takes advantage of the belief that the house in haunted, in order to get her lover into the house undisturbed. Taken from the famous theatre comedy of De Filippo, this is one of the rare occasions in which Eduardo does not act in a film he has directed. Another version was made in 1967 by Renato Castellani, starring Vittorio Gassman and Sophia Loren.
A provincial town. Among the old walls, in night raids on the seafront, in the enchantment of a temporary encroachment into nature, they consume the daily rituals and expectations of four girls whose friendship is born of overwhelming passions, common interests or big ideals. To unite them are not the similarities but the habits, occasional enthusiasm, the harmless contrasts, feelings cultivated in secret.
Sezione VI di Giuseppe Cembalo (Ita, 2007, 36') Ven 13 h 16.10
La casa è più di poche porte e quattro muri. Una casa è un nido, un progetto, una fucina di ricordi e talvolta un sogno da condividere: come quello di Anna e Massimo che, tra incomprensioni e sorprese, cercano un orizzonte comune. E un tetto.
Sezione II di Pasquale Russo (Ita, 2008, 12') Gio 11 h 19.00
Giulio, spavaldo e impulsivo, è un ragazzo di strada che non abbassa la testa davanti a nessuno. Genny, suo cugino, è timido e introverso. Costretti dalle circostanze a frequentarsi, sullo sfondo di una periferia napoletana spoglia e grigia, i due affrontano un viaggio attraverso la sessualità, la crescita, e le zone d'ombra dell'adolescenza.




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