
Sezione IV di Adam Selo (Ita, 2008, 8') Sab 13 h 19.10
Ramon Branda, nato a Torino il 24 settembre 1987, si specializza nel 2010 come Performer presso l’Accademia dello Spettacolo di Torino. Il suo percorso formativo si personalizza a livello teatrale con nomi come Gabriele Vacis, Saverio Marconi, Sergio Troiano, Cesar Brie, Francesco Benedetto e cinematografico con Pino Pellegrino, Stefania De Santis, Sergio Rubini, Danny Lemmo dell’Actor Studios di New York e Anna Strasberg della Lee Strasberg The- atre e Film Institute di LosAngeles, passando anche per il doppiaggio con Ivo De Palma e Riccardo Lombardo.
Raşit Görgülü was born in Istanbul in 1985. He graduated 2008. at the University of Fine Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Cinema and Television. He founded Bor Medya Production in 2011 and continues to work as a company manager. In 2016, he directed the feature film " Secrets from the past“ and before few documentaries films.
Based on the homonymous theatrical representation written by Moscato and adapted by Servillo and Martone. A sequence of characters alternates each other with a piano’s accompaniment. The author introduces the story and the show begins. Great final with Toni Servillo’s monologue.
di Mario Martone (Ita, 1993, 55')14 video; Lun 16 h 21.30
Achieved a great shape, Joseph Ratzinger intends to rerunas a Pope. There for erely on the student spirit of their manager the media revival that has always dreamed of.
Raúl Arévalo Zorzo was born in Móstoles on November 22, 1979. Formed as an actor at Madrid's Escuela de Interpretacion Cristina Rota and began his acting career in some television series such as Compañeros (2001-2002), which inspired the RAI Compagni school series. In 2006 his first film, directed by Antonio Banderas, Summer Rain. With DarkBlueAlmostBlack, Daniel Sánchez Arévalo's first film as director, he received his first award at the Spanish Actors Union as Best New Actor.
Re-Man è un supereroe partenopeo. Il suo è un potere atipico: può tornare indietro nel tempo, ad un proprio risveglio ben determinato; ma non conserva alcun ricordo del futuro da cui è tornato. La soluzione è semplice: di volta in volta, Re-Man si segna addosso indizi importanti per compiere il suo dovere da eroe, lasciando che le scritte, rigorosamente a pennarello, lo guidino di impresa in impresa. Quando una mattina si sveglia e si trova addosso un'unica, misteriosa, scritta, dovrà fare di tutto per decifrarne il senso e salvare la sua città.
Rebecca completed her Masters in Directing on a scholarship at the Arts Center College of Design in Los Angeles. Her thesis Magdalene IN 2009 won a DGA Student Jury Prize, an Honourable Mention at the Student Emmy's, and was picked up for distribution by Shorts International at the 62nd Cannes Film Festival. Prior to that, Rebecca worked closely with the camera departments on Steven Spielberg's Munich (2005) and Alejandro Amenábar's Agora(2009)and with the art departments of ITV/ Granada and Sagafilm.




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