
di Matteo Giacomelli (Ita, 2009, 26') dom 6 Riccardo Dalisi unveils a rarely seen Naples, removed from the shrill clamour of the news pages, and the big themes of the economy, the recession and the environment. Instead he goes among the people, specifi cally the children of the Traiano area of Naples. Naples, the mysterious, layered city awakes and reveals itself. The true stars of this fi lm are the others, freedom and human encounter, where, just like in the Middle Ages, you can still do battle with the dragon. Watch the video
It is the classic story about Romeo and Juliet: they are in love but respective families, Montague and Capulet, impede their love story because of their rivalry and antagonism. The two protagonists will get to the same desperate conclusion as in the play. Dialogues are the same as those in Shakespeare’s play but the story is set in Verona beach nowadays, with the addition of the sometimes kitsch quixotic touch of the Moulin Rouge director. The film had a 15-million-dollar budget and cashed in ten times that sum.
Nato a Napoli il 26 ottobre 2001. Essendo appassionato di cinema ha sempre cercato di fare progetti anche all'interno della scuola coinvolgendo il più possibile i compagni e gli insegnati
Nato a Napoli. 18 maggio 1958. Attore, regista, pittore, musicista e compositore italiano. Per il cinema ha collaborato con i registi: Francesca Archibugi, Antonio Capuano, Antonietta De Lillo, Matteo Garrone, Paolo Genovese, Daniele Luchetti, Carlo Mazzacurati, Nanni Moretti, Gabriele Muccino , Luciano Odorisio, Giuseppe Piccioni, , Gabriele Salvatores, Michele Soavi, Carlo Vanzina. Collabora a numerosi spettacoli teatrali con: Paolo Bonacelli, Roberto de Simone, Marina Confalone, Aldo Giuffrè, Silvio Orlando, Lunetta Savino, Toni Servillo.
He was born in Detroit on the 12th of November 1920. After acting in theatre when he was a child, he debuted in 1934 in The world moves on, a movie directed by John Ford. In 1953 he filmed his first movie Napoletani a Bagdad and started a series of unpretending comedies with Mickey Rooney followed by Una cadillac tutta d’oro with Judy Holiday and Una strega in paradiso with James Stewart and Kim Novak.
Suffocated by family life and anxious for change, Gaetano leaves his hometown of Naples to for a trip to Florence. While hitchhiking he gets a lift from a would be suicide who wants to crash his car. He convinces him to go to a clinic where he finds another crazy and depressed guy but, thank God, also a girl called Marta with whom he starts a relationship. In the meantime he finds his repressed aunt, who has a lover that she hides from the family, and his friend Lello arrives, having decided to visit him in Florence.
Maria is an elderly widow. Since the loss of her husband, she herself has lost the desire to go on living. Barricaded in her house, a fortress built with the objects of her happier days, Maria sees no way out. But one day, along with the umpteenth bill she is unable to pay, there comes a knock on her door heralding the chance of a turnaround. Maria is forced to say goodbye to her memories; she decides to sell her possessions but then she comes across something unexpected, something that reminds her that hope is a powerful force that can bring you back to life.
He was born in Havana, Cuba, on July 6th 1947. He started with a short documentary film in 1987, Elviaje mas largo (The longest trip). After three years he made the short film Lasoledad de la jefa de despacho (The office manager’s loneliness) starring Daisy Granados. After another documentary film about salsa music, Yosoy, del Son a la Salsa (I am the son of Salsa) in 1996, it took him eight years to make his debut in a fiction film, Roble de Olor (Scent of oak). The film won two prizes at the Havana Film Festival.




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