
di Miguel Albaladejo (Spa, 2009, 112') v.o., sott. it. mer 9 h 19,40 Flora, 72, is an old maid in a small village who has devoted her whole life to caring for her elderly relatives. Her only sister died when she was very young, leaving her three nieces to bring up. Having grown up, the three left the village and now Flora is apprehensive because the time has come when they will have to look after her and she is afraid they will put her in the old folks' home where one of them works.
Sezione IV di Giovanni Piperno (Italia, 2006, 23') Mer 11 h 18.00, Dom 15 h 18.30
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1988, 84') v.o. sott.it. gio 10 h 19,00 – 20,50 19-year-old Tomek whiles away his lonely life spying on his opposite neighbour Magda. She's an artist in her mid-thirties, and appears to have everything – not least a constant stream of men at her beck and call. But when the two finally meet, they discover that they have a lot more in common than appeared at first. She initiates him into the basic fact of life – there is no love, only sex. Tomek, shattered, tries to commit suicide but doesn't succeed.
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1988, 84') v.o. sott.it. gio 10 h 19,00 – 20,50 19-year-old Tomek whiles away his lonely life spying on his opposite neighbour Magda. She's an artist in her mid-thirties, and appears to have everything – not least a constant stream of men at her beck and call. But when the two finally meet, they discover that they have a lot more in common than appeared at first. She initiates him into the basic fact of life – there is no love, only sex. Tomek, shattered, tries to commit suicide but doesn't succeed.
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1988, 83') v.o. sott.it. mer 9 h 19,00 – 20,50 A senseless, violent, almost botched murder is followed by a cold, calculated, flawlessly performed execution, while the murderer's idealistic young defence lawyer ends up as an unwilling accessory to the judicial murder of his client. A youth randomly and brutally murders a taxi-driver. Piotr has just passed his law exams and been admitted to the bar. He is to defend Jacek, the young murderer. There is no evidence for the defence and no apparent motive.
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1988, 83') v.o. sott.it. mer 9 h 19,00 – 20,50 A senseless, violent, almost botched murder is followed by a cold, calculated, flawlessly performed execution, while the murderer's idealistic young defence lawyer ends up as an unwilling accessory to the judicial murder of his client. A youth randomly and brutally murders a taxi-driver. Piotr has just passed his law exams and been admitted to the bar. He is to defend Jacek, the young murderer. There is no evidence for the defence and no apparent motive.
di Salvatore Polizzi (Ita, 2010, 4') Scuola Media Statale “M. Leone” e Liceo Classico - Scientifico Statale “V. Imbriani” - Pomigliano D'Arco, gio 10 By 1860, the House of Savoy in Piedmont dominated all of southern Italy, having subdued the resistance of the so-called brigands. Two brigands, hiding in their forest lair, play a last game of cards before the final confrontation




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