
Camaleonti sociali è un progetto che vuole raccontare l’armonia degli opposti, celebrandone la fondamentale coesistenza. Scopriremo facce della stessa medaglia, sentimenti che in un modo o nell’altro, un acerrano ha avuto modo di vivere nella sua storia di cittadino. Con questo progetto non saremo mai da una o dall’altra parte, ci lasceremo cadere solo un po’ per scorgere gli estremi senza mai arrivarci, aggrappandoci a un punto fermo, a un perno centrale ma instabile.
Breve documentario sul mondo della scuola raccontato attraverso interventi di professori e studenti.
di Gianluca Loffredo (Ita, 2009, 11') Centro “Catrin” - Napoli, mar 8 The kids of Ponticelli discuss the reasons for the closure of their public park
Winter 1915. Camille Claudel is sectioned by her family in a psychiatric nursing home in the south of France, where she will no longer be able to devote herself to sculpture. Forced to leave Paris and her artistic activity, she now waits for her brother Paul to visit the institute, hoping to return home. Paul represents his only relationship with the outside world, after his father's death and his mother's renunciation to communicate with her.
di Andrea D'ambrosio e Maurizio Cartolano (Ita, 2009, 60') sab 5 The ghetto of San Nicola Varco has been talked about for years now in Campania. This was an disused structure intended as a fruit and vegetable market but which became a settlement for hundreds of immigrants, without safeguards and without rights. The fi lm investigates the submerged world of the gang bosses, the young ghostimmigrants who work ten-hour days, living at the mercy of unscrupulous people, behind whom often lurk obscure and shady interests. The story also tells of another facet, of social solidarity.
Carmine is ten years old and lives in the Spanish Quarter of Naples. Today he will finally embrace his father, shortly to be released after a long prison term. Unfortunately however, only a few hours before their scheduled meeting, the man falls victim to a heroin overdose. Through a series of fortuitous circumstances, his body will be found much later and far away from home ... Ten years later, Carmine is profoundly different. Now, everyone in the neighbourhood knows him only as Canemalato! Anxiety, wierdness, psychotropic and 'normal' drug abuse and an obsession: Little Angel!
di Marco Chiappetta (Ita, 2010, 22') sat 5 Naples. Scrooge, an avaricious and disagreeable notary, treats everyone badly – his clerk Bob Cratchit, and his little pauper nephew Fred – and detests Christmas. But on the night of Christmas Eve the ghost of his old business partner Jacob Marley, dead seven years before and condemned for all eternity, appears to him and warns him that his only hope of salvation will be offered that same evening by three spirits, who will show him his past, his present and his future – to convince him to change his ways.




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