
Carla Simón was born in Barcelona in 1986. Director and screenwriter, she graduated in Audiovisual Communication at the Universidad Autónoma of Barcelona in 2009 and in 2010 she graduated in "TV of Quality and Innovation" organized by Televisió de Catalunya and the "Master of Arts "at the London Film School. In Great Britain hse directed the documentary Born Positive (2012) and the two short films Lipstick (2013) and Las pequeñas cosas (2014). Inspired by her autobiographical events, in 2017 Summer 1993, her first and award-winning feature film, was shot in Spain.
Carlo Alessandro Argenzio nasce nel 1982 a Giugliano, una città della provincia di Napoli. Dopo il diploma delle scuole superiori si iscrive e frequenta la Facoltà di Architettura di Napoli, che in seguito sospende per iniziare il suo percorso nel mondo cinematografico.

Guest at NFF 2007
Carlo delle Piane was chosen for the role of Garuffi in Cuore, for his particular face, expecially for his nose deformed by a ball, worked in many films with the most important Italian directors and actors like Sordi, Toto, Fabrizi etc.,. An obscure actor not always appreciated by critics, he could give to his characters fine psycological shades whether in brilliant or dramatic roles. For his great characterization in Regalo di Natale, in which he worked again with Avati, he won the prize for best actor in Venice film Festival.

Attore di teatro, cinema (Noi credevamo, Mater natura, Il resto di niente) e televisione (Onore e rispetto 2, La squadra, Crimini, Gomorra 2), Carlo Guitto consegue il diploma presso la Scuola di recitazione “Lo Studio Dance Work” di Torino diretta da Enrico Fasella. Collabora, in qualità di aiuto regista e attore, con Enzo Moscato in numerose produzioni teatrali. Ha realizzato due corti, Voti nel 2013 e appunto Dinosauri del 2018.
A DAMS graduate in Film History, he has made two feature films (Capo Nord and Sotto la stessa luna ) and four documentaries (Pittura a mano armata, ll cinema salato, Cardilli addolorati and Radici), which have taken part in several international festivals (Turin, Montreal, Valencia, Locarno, Annecy and Venice), collecting awards and special mentions.
He was born in Budrio, Bologna, in 1962. He wrote and directed four feature films between 1995 and 2019, as well as several short films and documentaries. His latest film La freccia del Tempo will be released at the cinema in late September 2019. As a writer he has published numerous short stories, in 1999 the science fiction novel 190 billion years later and in 2015 the novel The vacuum cleaner and the salvation of the soul.




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