
(Italia, 1965, 107') Mer 11 h 16.00
di Dante Manchisi (Ita, 2006, 30') Ven 15 h 18.40; Mar 19 h 16.25 During the run-up to the opening of her solo exhibition, a designer experiences a recurring dream, featuring a house to which she is strongly attracted. Without fully understanding why, she sets off on a search, believing that it concerns a vision from her childhood. This obsessive quest will lead her to a disconcerting truth.
 di Danilo Caracciolo e Roberto Montanari (Ita, 2009, 53') gio 10 The film lifts the veil from the mysteries surrounding some of the most murkily sordidaffairs of the Second World War in Italy: the hushed up existence of mass graves, the “execution walls”; stories of tragic human sadness in eyewitness recollections of Caserme Rosse, the biggest and most forgotten Nazi-fascist concentration camp in Italy. Watch the video
Napoli 1995 È iscritta all’Università di Napoli L’Orientale al corso di laurea in Lingue, lettere e culture comparate. La prima esperienza nell’ambito visivo è di assistente alla regia e aiuto operatrice nel 2013 con la produzione Kardia film nel 2013. Nel 2014 è selezionata per il concorso “Paesaggi Abitati” della Biennale di Architettura di Venezia. Nello stesso anno partecipa al progetto FilmaP – Atelier di Cinema del Reale coordinato da Leonardo Di Costanzo, durante il quale realizza “668”, il suo primo corto documentario da regista, con il quale partecipa a diversi festival in Italia.

Born in Rome, she enters very young in the choir of the Roman Philharmonic Academy. Initially a guitarist, in the 90's she played in the punk/rock band of Barbie Killers. At the age of 20 she approaches jazz and double bass. Since then she has undertaken an intense concert activity that sees her as protagonist in exhibitions such as Lucca Jazz Festival, Saint Germain de Près Festival, Catania Jazz Festival, Turin Fringe Festival 2016, JazzMi Festival, Umbria Festival and Bangkok International Festival Thailand.

She was born in Turin in 1978. She is a journalist, author and screenwriter. She has collaborated with L’Unità, FilmTv, Filmidee. She writes for Cinecittànews and directs the periodical magazine of the Cinema National Museum Association of Turin “Mondo Niovo”. Recently she has worked as a researcher for Istituto Luce and as an editor for the TV show “Sconosciuti”. In 2009 she wrote along with Matteo Pollone “Il Castoro”, dedicated to Neil Jordan. She has worked to a few editions of the RomaFictionFest.
Sezione III di Francesco Velonà (Ita, 2008, 19') Ven 12 h 19.30
Cecilia Donadio , born in Naples , is a professional journalist since 1992. She started in the world of journalism in the local Neapolitan tv , and then get to Rai , where for many years host of the TGR Campania and heading Neapolis ( RAI-3 ) . In 2010 he participates in the transmission Applause ( a show about theater conducted by Marzullo on RAI 1 ) .




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