
di Salvatore Gatti (Ita, 2009, 17') Liceo Scientifico “E. Segré” - Marano, mer 9 Interpersonal relations conducted through virtual means often give rise to amusing situations that expose the ironies, contradictions and obsessiveness of the new frontier of social communications.
Young Maria's family are about to leave behind the degradation of the Vele housing project in Scampia and move to a new home in nearby Melito. This spurs the girl to rebel against this uprooting, the cause of much pain and distress. A journey through the crumbling architectural geometry of the Vele leads to her discovery of a special "treasure". This "journey" will lead to a revelation – that the viewer will also experience at the end of the film.
Sopravvisse il più bello che era stato in grado di elevarsi
Presentazione del libro “Cinema e generi 2009” di Renato Venturelli intervengono l'autore con Giancarlo Giraud e Alberto Castellano; Sab 13 h 17.30
Through some ordinary people’s recollections this non-fiction brief documentary show how theaters have proved to be a fundamental place for viewers back in the years, when going to movies was something special, was like entering a place where dreams could meet reality. The memory of masterpieces like Gone with the Wind or Ben Hur matches with the joy of being among others, sharing a social event capable of elevate people’s spirits and minds. Cinema Mater Dei is made of faces, of words that bring love to what cinema still means: a chance to daydream.
Dana, una giovane ragazza di città, si trasferisce temporaneamente in un paese di provincia per sostituire lo zio alla videoteca. Lì conosce Luca, un giovane bassista cieco con la passione per il cinema.Tra loro inizia una grande amicizia attraverso i film di Hitchcock, la musica blues ed il meraviglioso ambiente che li circonda.
Si forma per due annial Actort’s Studio di Roma diretto da Dominique De Fazio Stages con Richard Cyslak (attore di Grotowsky)fondatore del Teatro di ricerca in Polonia; EugenioBarba – (Odin Teatret;) Amadou (Attore di Peter Brook) Dopo essere stata aiuto- assistente di Liliana Cavani ne "La pelle" di Curzio Malaparte(1981)e nel film "Caffè Exspress" di Nanni Loy (1984).
A centre for the treatment of eating disorders opens its doors for the first time, allowing access to psychotherapy sessions. Stories of hardship and suffering; feelings of inadequacy but also of hope, all expressed through heart-wrenching attempts to exert control over the body.




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