
Nasce a Pontoise, Val d’Orse, in Francia, il 12 novembre 1980, da famiglia italiana. Ben presto si trasferisce a Parigi in periferia. Laureatasi in Letteratura Francese frequenta La Fémis per quanto riguarda un corso di sceneggiatura. All’esame conosce Xavier Beauvois che la spinge a fare il suo primo film con la sceneggiatura portata in quella sede. Nasce così nel 2007 il primo film della Sciamma, Naissance des pieuvres. Partecipa al Festival di Cannes nella sezione Un certain regard.

di Febo Mari (Ita, 1916, 38')2 Ven 13 h 18.00*
Fred is 54 year old and lives alone. He rides around in the local bus, virtuously attending church and eating his green beans, meat and potatoes at 6 o'clock on the dot every day. One day, Theo wander into the life of Fred and turns his well organized lift upside down. With the special talent of the stranger Theo, Fred starts to set out into the big, wide world. Will he fulfillhisdream.
Cesare Furesi was born in Alghero in 1957. Graduated in Communication Sciences, he lived in Sardinia until 1997 when he moved to Rome. He writes songs, texts, stories, film and theater scripts, some staged at the "Teatro Dei Contrari" in Rome. For the screenplay of I want a penthouse on the ground floor he gets the special mention at the Busto Arsizio Film Festival in 2005. He shoots several short films, including L'Infame, Roberta e Senza uscire di casa (2015), an international experimental project that has won numerous awards in international festivals.
Ceyda Torun was born in Istanbul, leaving Turkey at the age of 12yo and moving first to Amman (Jordan) and later to New York. After studying anthropology at Boston University, she returned to Istanbul to assist director Reha Erdem. Then she moved to London to work alongside producer Chris Auty. Later she returned to the United States where, together with the filmmaker Charlie Wuppermann, he founded his own production company, Termite Films, with which he produced his first feature film, Kedi, in 2016.
"Il caos ci rende vivi, il destino ci uccide." Tre momenti, tre personaggi, la stessa persona. Il passato ci modella, cambia il presente e distorce il futuro. non possiamo scappare dagli eventi, che creano i mostri che definiscono chi siamo. Uno shock subito dal personaggio durante la sua infanzia lo segnerà per il resto della sua vita.
The story of Ana's four adventurous years of travels from the age of 18 to 22 years. From New York to Arizona, Madrid, Canary and the Balearic Islands, she is unconsciously led to live the lives of other girls of her own age who died tragically.




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