
Due con racconta la vita e i successi di Giuseppe e Carmine Abbagnale, pluricampioni mondiali e olimpici di canottaggio ed eroi italiani tra gli anni ‘80 e ’90. I fratelli, nati in periferia di Pompei e allenati dallo zio, divisi tra la fatica e lo studio, raccontano per la prima volta in un documentario, la storia dei loro incredibili successi internazionali, attraverso repertorio inedito, testimonianze di appassionati, giornalisti e avversari storici. Un’avvincente storia di vittorie raggiunte con passione, etica e sacrificio.
Mark and Joanna met while traveling for Europe with hitchhiking. They live together a period of great happiness and then marry. Marriage determines changes in their relationships and behaviors. Mark, who has become an architect, is progressively heading towards a brilliant career in ever-increasing professionalism.
Diego ha diciassette anni ed è pieno di vita e di fragilità. Antonio, il suo migliore amico, lo vuole vedere forte e maschio. Una notte incontrano Maria, capelli neri nati dal mare. Diego, per dimostrare di essere un vero uomo, è disposto a tutto, anche a spingersi fin dove non sarebbe mai voluto arrivare.
L'aula di un tribunale. Imputato e giudice sono uno di fronte all'altro. L'attesa del verdetto diventa elemento catalizzatore di due storie diametralmente opposte, ma che hanno impresso nella pelle la stessa origine.
Nesrin and Hatun are two Kurdish cleaning women, who live in Istanbul. Their life is an endless back and forth between their homes in the shanty town and the classy neighborhoods, where they go to clean. They live in the same building, and their friendship has a hierarchy; Hatun is like the older sister. Nesrin lives on the ground floor with her daughter Asmin 5yo. Her husband has recently disappeared, and even if he was quite useless and Nesrin does not love him, her life is harder now. She is getting desperate and she looks for her husband everyday.
Two men emerge from the sea carrying a wardrobe. They go to town in search of a place to stay. This is not easy, considering the wardrobe they're carrying. They end up being attacked by a gang of thugs and decide to go back into the sea.
Tbilisi in the early nineties. In the lives of families in the old part of the city, everyone in their own way has to come to terms with the changes that have taken place in their city. Maia's eldest son Giorgi is running away from her, while her youngest son, Datuna, a young and talented pianist, has to cope with the violence that is gradually becoming a part of their daily lives. In the building opposite, another tragedy: Datuna's young friend Achil has lost his grandfather in the war. The old man is sick and bedridden.




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