
Classe 1975, pugliese di origine e milanese di adozione. Appassionato di cinema sin da giovanissimo, ha conseguito il diploma come perito tecnico cinetelevisivo presso l'I.T.S.O.S. e come sceneggiatore cinematografico presso la civica scuola del cinema di Milano. Si è poi laureato al DAMS di Bologna. Nella propria formazione ha avuto diverse esperienze teatrali, formandosi all'Accademia Comuna Baires, e televisive lavorando con i registi Giuseppe De Santis e Pupi Avati.
Fejria Deliba was one of the Gang of Four by Jacques Rivette in 1988 and also Zouina in Inch’allah dimanche by Yamina Benguigui, winning numerous acting awards. On TV and cinema was directed by Jean-Claude Brisseau, Olivier Assayas, Solveig Anspach, Mehdi Charef, Cédric Kahn, Olivier Ducastel and Jacques Martineau. She directed her first short film The little cat is dead in 1991, awarded many times. Our mother is her first feature film, the screenplay received the Audience Award at the Angers European Film Festival in 2014.
Felice Iovino born in Roccarainola 12 July 1963. Works in RAI in many tv shows. In 2013 he directed the short Non-flammable for the 50th anniversary of RAI.
Ha scritto, diretto e prodotto cortometraggi – Romeo & Giulietta (2019); documentari - Gli anni (chiusi) in tasca (2018), Romarcord (2017); reportage, videoclip, spot e una premiata serie web, Tutte le ragazze con una certa cultura (2014). Ha collaborato con Rai, Mediaset, Giffoni Film Festival, Panorama, MAXXI, Libera. I suoi lavori sono stati presentati in rassegne prestigiose come la Festa del Cinema di Roma, Cortinametraggio, la Mostra internazionale del Nuovo Cinema di Pesaro e la Rassegna Internazionale del Cinema Archeologico di Rovereto.
Un uomo vestito da donna viene imprigionato ed esaminato dal governo.
Born in Naples in 1967, FC is a computer engineer with a passion for film. In 2009, he produced his first short film "Un pazzo indietro" and then started concentrating on web series production in 2010. With "Travel Companions" he won both the Los Angeles Web Series Festival in 2011 and the SchermoNapoli Web Award at Napoli Film Festival in 2013. In 2014 official production began for "Il mestiere più antico del mondo", made possible through crowdfunding. The series went to win two awards at the 2014 Los Angeles Web Series Festival.
He was born and grew up in Milan, he lived in Boston and London for a few years and he graduated in Film History at the University of Bologna. In 2008 he had the chance to attend an international film set, the one of the film L’ombra del sospetto (The Other Man) by Richard Eyre, starring Liam Neeson and Antonio Banderas. The following year he was direction assistant and advisor for Io sono l’amore by Luca Guadagnino. Diatria, a short film which won the Pardo di domani at Locarno, was produced by Guadagnino. For the same director he worked at the editing of Inconscio italiano in 2011.
He was born in Naples on 24 December 1966. Actor and writer, After High School he began acting in a film by Pasquale Squitieri, Atto di dolore (Act of Pain) in 1990. After that, he joined the theater company where starred Anna Mazzamauro and then acted in television series. Vivere (To Live) and Don Matteo are the most important. Anna Politkovskaja is her first job as a director.




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