
The near future. Following a nuclear accident, some nations are forced to live by filtering the now contaminated air with purifiers and gas masks. For a bet, a few kids take off their masks in the open, where they are exposed to the contamination – and discover a disturbing truth.
She is a Galician filmmaker based in Barcelona. She studied the university degree in Cinema at the ESCAC, attached to the University of Barcelona, specializing in Film Editing. Diana Toucedo also earned a Master Degree in Contemporary Cinematographic Theory at the Catalonian Pompeu Fabra University.
(Fra, 1959, 75') v.o., sott. it.; Lun 15 h 21.00
(Fra, 1959, 75') v.o., sott. it.; Lun 15 h 21.00
(Ita, 1995, 92')*; Sab 13 h 22.30
Diederik Ebbinge born i May 9th 1969 in Enschede, Netherlands. He studied at The School for Drama & Contemporary Music Theatre. He is a well-know actor, directed and wrote two short movies: NAKED and award-winning SUCCES. Ebbinge directed the TV-movie JUST HANS and MATTERHORN is his first feature film.
Nato a Napoli 1966. Regista, montatore, direttore della fotografia. Ha collaborato fra gli altri con Antonio Capuano, Toni Servillo, Mimmo Paladino, Francesco Saponaro. Insieme a Massimiliano Pacifico ha realizzato i docufilm Cricket Cup (2006) trasmesso da BBC World, 394 Trilogia nel mondo (2011) e Il Teatro al lavoro (2018) presentati rispettivamente al Torino Film Festival e alle Giornate degli Autori di Venezia. E’ regista di un episodio di Napoli 24 (2010), film collettivo con la supervisione artistica di Paolo Sorrentino.
He was a civil lawyer after graduating in 1991. He directed a couple of short films between 1996 and 1998: Mimmo X and Les jeux sont faits. The debut feature in fiction takes place in 2003 after a 2000 documentary, Gli ultimi giorni del Frullone.
A director and screenwriter since 1996, his I cinghiali di Portici was his feature debut. The film was in competition at the Turin Film Festival where it received a special mention for the screenplay. Awards: Sergio Leone Award for best first work; directing award after debate at the Sacher festival; best first feature award at the Foggia Independent Film Festival. In 2011 and 2012 two of his screenplays received a special mention at the Busto Arsizio Film Festival. He is currently working on a new feature film with the provisional title Fatti di carne.




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