
He wants to be a film inspired by the novel Il Rinnegato of the Lucan writer Giuseppe Brancale and inspired by the autobiography of the bandit Carmine Crocco. The idea is to show the history of the people of Lucania, offering a picture as objective as possible, away from any hagiography, trying to make the living conditions of the population of the countries and point out how brigandage in many ways was the natural outlet of so much suffering and harassment.
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1980, 14') sab 5 h 17,20 - 23,50 People of various professions and ages – ranging from a one-year-old child to a one hundred-year-old woman – answer the following questions: Who are you? What year were you born in? What matters most to you? A gallery of heads identified by their birth year. The dreams and difficulties of these individuals fuse together, creating a story of human life. The film is a story about Poland, and about how Poles perceive their country and what changes they would have liked to have seen.
di Krzysztof Kieslowski (Pol, 1980, 14') sab 5 h 17,20 - 23,50 People of various professions and ages – ranging from a one-year-old child to a one hundred-year-old woman – answer the following questions: Who are you? What year were you born in? What matters most to you? A gallery of heads identified by their birth year. The dreams and difficulties of these individuals fuse together, creating a story of human life. The film is a story about Poland, and about how Poles perceive their country and what changes they would have liked to have seen.
 di Vittorio Cottafavi (Ita, 1967, 105')13 video, Sab 7 h 20.00*, Dom 8 h 20.30*
The Fascist era. A barber called Camillo has a psychosomatic illness: he has lost the use of his legs after splitting up with his French girlfriend Vittoria. Despite his otherwise good health, he cannot make his legs work. He travels to Lourdes hoping for a miracle. On the train he meets Orlando, who really is paralysed. He learns that Vittoria has gotten engaged during his absence; but since they hadn't completely split up, he is content to let her see both himself and the new man.
He was born 26th June 1959 in Quedlinburg in Germany. The son of actor Ezard Haussmann and costume designer Doris Haussmann, he attended the Ernst Busch theatre school in Berlin. Haussmann was the theatre director of the city theatre in Bochum (Schauspielhaus Bochum). He also wrote and acted in several plays (1995-2000), and had a role in the Detlev Buck film, Männerpension. His feature film breakthrough came with Sonnenallee in 1999. His second feature, Herr Lehmann, followed in 2003.
Camilla incontra Angela, una compagna di scuola con la quale si sviluppa un rapporto speciale. Angela la presenta ai suoi amici e al suo “circolo segreto”, nel quale Camilla, insieme a loro, segue una serie di regole e vomita. Ma il suo segreto non è al sicuro come crede.
La vita di un vecchio solitario e malinconico viene sconvolta dall'incontro con un bambino ipovedente.
di Massimo Amici (Ita, 2005, 9') Gio 14 h 18.35, Lun 18 h 16.20




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