
Ása Helga Hjörleifsdóttir was born in Reykjavik in 1984. She finished her studies in comparative literature between the University of Iceland and La Sorbonne in Paris. Later she decided to move to New York to follow the path of the cinema and graduate in film direction at Columbia University in 2012. She directed numerous short films, including the best-known and award-winning Love Story (Ástarsaga, 2013) and You and Me (Þú og ég , 2015). The Swan, her first feature film, is an adaptation of the eponymous novel by Guðbergur Bergsson, acclaimed by the Icelandic critics.
Florence Carala and Julien Tavernier are lovers who plan to kill Florence's husband, Simon Carala, a wealthy industrialist who is also Julien's boss. After working late on a Saturday, with a rope Julien shoots Carala in his office without being seen, arranges the room to make it look like a suicide, and then makes his way out to the street. As he gets into his Chevrolet convertible outside, he glances up and sees his rope still hanging from the building. Leaving the engine running, he rushes back and jumps into the elevator.
A young black man, rescued from a racist attack by a concierge, befriends a guy his own age who is a professional footballer. The latter's father is an apparently open-minded man, but when his son is in need of a bone marrow transplant, he refuses the black kid's offer to donate. However, when he becomes aware that the black guy is the only one who can save his son's life, he instinctively overcomes his racist outlook, embraces the man and accepts his profound generosity.
Sezione II di Francesco Carignani(Ita, 2008, 13') Lun 9 h 19.55, Ven 13 h 19.25
di Damiano Damiani (Ita, 2002, 95') Mar 19 h 20.45 - 22.30
Assenza di gravità, / lieve sospensione del vivente / forme e figure / attesa dell'ultima verità.




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