
The title comes from the pseudonym of the main character's father, who is a wrestling champion. After his parents' death in front of his eyes, little Paul became mute and then started to be a pianist for his aunts who teach dancing. Then he met Madame Proust, an old hippie he has already heard in the park playing the ukulele. There are flashbacks as in Search of Lost Time of Marcel Proust, whose novel there are references throughout the film. Thanks to a magic infusion with a disgusting taste which goes away only eating madeleines, he relived the past improving it.
Born in Szolnok, Hungary, October 23rd, 1972. Graduated at the Academy of Drama and Film in Budapest in 1996. He started out as a film critic, later founded his own distribution company and became editor-in-chief of VOX, Hungary’s biggest movie magazine. Started writing screenplays and directing commercials in 2002. He shot commercials with international crews all over the world from Beirut, Lebanon to Mumbai, India and Cape Town, South Africa. Directed a 30-minute short film (Now You See Me, Now You Don’t) and two feature-length movies (The Ambassador to Bern, Demimonde).
(Fra, 1966, 95') v.o. sott. it.; Gio 11 h 22.15
(Fra, 1966, 95') v.o. sott. it.; Gio 11 h 22.15
In 1885 it happened that Augustine, a housekeeper, could not feel her hands and eventually one of her eyes got paralysed, too.So, a doctor, Professor Jean-Martin Charcot, started treating her. As time went by the doctor’s professional interestin Augustine turned into a sentimental one.Charcot proved in front of the Medicine Academy that hypnosis enables triggering all the symptoms. It also enables to see how the emotional trauma is partially responsible for how the sickness starts.As the relationship got too complicated, Augustine decided to set herself free.
Aurel è un illustratore francese nato nel 1980. Lavora per il quotidiano Le Monde e per il settimanale satirico Le Canard Enchaîné. Ha collaborato con diversi giornali francesi. Come fumettista conta una ventina di pubblicazioni, inclusi due fumetti non fiction: “Clandestino” e “La Menuiserie”. Nel 2011, ha co-diretto con Florence Corre il suo primo cortometraggio di animazione Octobre Noir. (Studio La Fabrique). Josep è il suo primo lungometraggio.
Una mattina, un gruppo di passeggeri sale su un autobus. Ognuno è perso nei suoi pensieri e nella sua fretta. L’autobus, di sua volontà, decide di far ricordare a tutti i valori della condivisione e del gioco.
A painter afflicted by a creative crisis wanders the city in search of inspiration. In his desperation in he finds it – in a quite unusual way.
After the toss of a coin that captures a dream to be realised, the protagonist shows himself. But the coins seem to conceal another face on the right. And then, gradually the viewer's gaze penetrates in the shot and enlarges it. The main character looks like a prisoner behind grates that inhale and sigh. It is here that representation blends with reality and replaces it. As in Thomas' shot, there is less photographic objectivity, leaving us with an undisclosed doubt emphasising the courageous role of the man's gaze before a sometimes unknowable reality.




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