
di Veit Helmer (Kaz/Ger/Rus, 2011, 94') Giovedì 27 h 20,30 Institut Français Napoli - Sala Dumas Whatever falls from heaven, you may keep When astronaut Julie Mahé crash-lands with her small space capsule onto the Kazakh steppes, local radio operator Iskander (nicknamed ‘Gagarin') finds her unconscious. Hopelessly lovestruck, he convinces the amnesiac Julie that they are engaged to be married. But even the most romantic lie cannot remain undiscovered forever
Selezione Cortometraggi Internazionali (EU, A.A.V.V., 2009, 60')* v.o. ven 11 h 17,15 This section came about after an meeting between the Italy - Balkans Network and the Euro – Mediterranean Foundation “Anna Lindh” (ALF), organised in Naples by the Mediterranean Foundation which represents the ALF Network in Italy.
Selezione Cortometraggi Internazionali (EU, A.A.V.V., 2009, 60')* v.o. ven 11 h 17,15 This section came about after an meeting between the Italy - Balkans Network and the Euro – Mediterranean Foundation “Anna Lindh” (ALF), organised in Naples by the Mediterranean Foundation which represents the ALF Network in Italy.
Un uomo acquista una bambola telecomandata che esaudisce tutti i suoi desideri, fino a quando la bambola non decide di ribellarsi.
Due imbroglioni con una predilezione per i vecchi film di serie B di Hollywood convincono uno studente di lingue ad aiutarli a commettere una rapina. Film seminale che mischia dramma, noir e commedia, divenuto il preferito di registi come Bertolucci e Tarantino.
BLACK DIAMOND - Marieme is 16 years old and is insecure. The oldest of three sisters and with an older brother, she gets to understand herself by attending a group of girls, but she does not feel happy anyway. School problems took her to a ragged child life, sometimes a violent one. Presented at the Cannes Film Festival in the Quinzainedesrealisateurs section.
di Danilo Caputo (Ita, 2009, 14') sab 5 Twenty four hours in the life of Vassyl, a young Ukrainian musician. Having come to Naples to seek success, he is forced to survive by making gas cylinder home deliveries. But when he phones his far off mother in the evening, he describes his life the way he would like it to be, riskily confusing dreams and reality. Watch the video
She is a filmmaker from Croatia currently based in New York City. After several short films, as First Lady of Dubraya and Mouth of Truth, and a travelogue documentary tv series in 6 episodes, Coauchsurfer girl, she debuts in 2018 with the movie Aleksi. The movie opened the Croatian Film Festival in Pula and won the Best Debut Film at the FEST in Belgrade
(USA, 1991, 115') v.it.; Ven 15 h 10.00 - 20.30 - 22.30




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