
Checco è un tassista abusivo napoletano. Porta in giro i clienti più disparati a tutte le ore del giorno, e soprattutto di notte, quando le discoteche sono aperte. Il suo lavoro lo porta ad allontanarsi progressivamente dalla famiglia, dalla moglie Manuela e da sua figlia Sofia, con la quale cerca di riallacciare una relazione ma senza molto successo. Inoltre, la sua collaborazione con uno spacciatore, Tony, lo trascina in affari loschi e pericolosi, portandolo ad alienarsi e ad usare droghe.
Corti di Musica Selezione a cura di ‘O Curt e Freak Out,  sab 5 h 22,30 – ven 11 h 18,30
(Fra, 1969, 105')*; v.o., sott. ing.; Gio 11 h 16.15
(Fra, 1969, 105')*; v.o., sott. ing.; Gio 11 h 16.15
Roberto Citran, one of the most talented actors in contemporary Italian cinema, portrays a forlorn priest of a small Southern Italian village who is forced to celebrate mass outdoors after the old town church collapses in an earthquake. The story follows in particular his struggle to help an old woman who feels she no longer has a reason to live, a task that tests his faith. Così in terra is a powerful tale of human desperation and the need to believe that there can be purpose in every event, even the most devastating ones.
di Marcello Cotugno (Ita, 2007, 25') Gio 14 h 19.25, Lun 18 h 17.15 Cosimo is a maverick artist working at his base in the Rome suburbs. From the trials and tribulations of his professional and personal life, there emerges a grotesque and eventful picture of what it is like to be an artist in Italy today.
During the era of the Republic of Amalfi, Maiori was the centre of maritime trade. The orchards and gardens proliferated in the area around the wide bay, where an agricultural economy thrived. In 1954 a terrible flood destroyed the village and reconstruction profoundly changed its face. Along with its rural life, Maiori also lost its memory but some people still seek to preserve it, perhaps for the current generation. A land and sea journey on the Amalfi Coast, a window in the present that opens on to a past rich in culture and living memories.
"Costellazioni" follows three circus performers out of the spotlight. Former acrobat Rene Rodogell, now an expert trainer of young acrobats, lion tamer Denny Montico and horsewoman Yvette De Rocchi star in this story set both in the trailer and the circus tent. Three stars from a single constellation, continuously moving around the globe, intertwine, linger and then separate, leaving behind a trail of light.
di Carmine Amoroso (Ita, 2006, 93') Mer 13 h 19.15 "Cover-boy" is the story of the friendship between Ioan and Michele, respectively Romanian and Italian. The serendipitous encounter of two worlds apart: the travails of a young man, son of the Post-Communist Revolution, who flees his country in search of a better future and the travails of another youth who instead scrapes along the margins of a Western society that is unable to offer gainful employment to so much of its youth.




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