
di Carmine Amoroso (Ita, 2006, 93') Mer 13 h 19.15 "Cover-boy" is the story of the friendship between Ioan and Michele, respectively Romanian and Italian. The serendipitous encounter of two worlds apart: the travails of a young man, son of the Post-Communist Revolution, who flees his country in search of a better future and the travails of another youth who instead scrapes along the margins of a Western society that is unable to offer gainful employment to so much of its youth.
di Kim Massee (Fra, 2007, 89') v.o., sott. it.; Ven 15 h 17.30 In Paris, Pablo, 11 years old, lives with his mother in a cheap hotel. He spends his days in cafes, putting up with his mother and her dissolute life. Abandoned by her on a week-end, he decides to go looking for his father. So he bribes Louis, an aimless poker player met in a bar, to drive him to Spain. The unwilling "chauffeur" tries to dump the boy on the way, but to no avail.
di Kim Massee (Fra, 2007, 89') v.o., sott. it.; Ven 15 h 17.30 In Paris, Pablo, 11 years old, lives with his mother in a cheap hotel. He spends his days in cafes, putting up with his mother and her dissolute life. Abandoned by her on a week-end, he decides to go looking for his father. So he bribes Louis, an aimless poker player met in a bar, to drive him to Spain. The unwilling "chauffeur" tries to dump the boy on the way, but to no avail.
intervengono Davide Azzolini, Fabio Borghese, Claudio Curcio e Aldo Putignano modera Claudio Calveri; Sab 13 h 16.00
Two businessmen, two minors, a screenwriting course and creme brulee ... all mixed into a noir story that exposes the dark, hidden world of underage prostitution.
The film documents the activities of the Symphony Orchestra of the Spanish Quarters of Naples. The group, consisting of thirty-seven eight-to-twelve year olds who can join with no financial charge, prior preparation or aptitude selection, came together in the summer of 2014.
Regia Massimiliano Pacifico Diego Liguori Sceneggiatura Massimiliano Pacifico Diego Liguori Fotografia Alessandro Abate Montaggio Massimiliano Pacifico Diego Liguori Musica Daniele Giannotta Produzione Teatri Uniti Origine Italia, 2006 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 49' Synopsis Through fragments of the lives of five characters, we learn of an immigrant population - the Sri Lankans, who have very successfully established themselves in Naples.
Regia Massimiliano Pacifico Diego Liguori Sceneggiatura Massimiliano Pacifico Diego Liguori Fotografia Alessandro Abate Montaggio Massimiliano Pacifico Diego Liguori Musica Daniele Giannotta Produzione Teatri Uniti Origine Italia, 2006 Formato Dvd, colore Durata 49' Synopsis Through fragments of the lives of five characters, we learn of an immigrant population - the Sri Lankans, who have very successfully established themselves in Naples.




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