
Sezione I di Simona Cocozza (Ita, 2007, 9') Dom 8 h 19.06, Gio 12 h 19.19
It is a fairy tale set in contemporary Manhattan between pure fiction and documentary. These are the surreal and existential vicissitudes of the young Heywood, who lives on a roof in New York with the narrative voice of James Ivory, which reflects on what has been the Cinema so far and on what could become in the future. Inside the film there are also animations and the two protagonists, Heywood and the woman with the imaginary "Moon Butterfly Syndrome" face a metaphysical journey, which will lead them to see the most concrete aspects of life as pure illusion.
He was born in Havana, Cuba, on December 31st 1946. In 1975 he made his debut with Libertad para Luis Corvalan (Freedom for Luis Corvalan) dedicated to the Chilean political journalist. In 1985, after 5 documentary films made between 1976 and 1982, he returned to the fiction film production with Jibaro which got two awards at the Bogotá Festival. His film Alicia en el pueblo de Maravillas (Alicia in the wonder village) got the Peace Prize at the Berlin Festival in 1991.
Daniel Rosenfeld nasce a Buenos Aires nell'agosto 1973. Musicista, si è laureato, ha studiato montaggio con Miguel Perez, messa in scena con Augusto Fernandes, recitazione con Julio Chavez e ha frequentato seminari con Krysztof Kieslowsky, Stephen Frears, Jorge Goldenberg, Lita Stantic, Ken Adam, Alessandro Baricco, Antonhy Mingella e Abbas Kiarostami. E'stato assistente alla regia di Alejandro Agresti, poi dal 2000 ha diretto 5 lungometraggi (documentari e fiction) presentati nei principali festival internazionali dove ha ricevuto vari riconoscimenti. Il suo ultimo film su Astor
Daniel Sánchez Arévalo is a Spanish writer, screenwriter and filmmaker born in Madrid on June 24, 1970. From 1995 to 2003 he’s writing screenplays for some famous Spanish TV series and then for cinama. Author of various shorts, comes to his first feature-length, as writer and director, in 2006 , the title is Dark Blue almost Black. The movie wins some Goya Awards and is screened at the Venice Film Festival. The film is followed by other successful titles such as Fat People (2009 ) Cousinhood (2011) and Family United (2013).
Nasce a Roma nel 1980. Dopo una lunga carriera da macchinista si è specializzato come operatore e direttore della fotografia, curando le riprese di numerosi cortometraggi, lungometraggi, videoclip, spot e documentari, selezionati nel circuito festivaliero internazionale, tra cui Miss Julie di Michael Margotta, L’incantatore di serpenti, la vita senza freno di Gian Carlo Fusco di Salvatore Allocca e Un po’ per uno di Rocco Papaleo. Nel 2006 fonda con Salvatore Allocca e Giuseppe Silipo la casa di produzione e post-produzione audiovisiva romana Vega’s Project.
Daniele Ceccarini born July 7, 1983, is a director, documentary filmmaker. Graduated in Film Direction at the Scuola Nazionale del Cinema, he studied photography at the Kaverdash Academy of Photography in Milan.
Daniele Luchetti was born in Rome on July 25, 1960. In the mid-eighties he attended the Gaumont Film School, where he met Nanni Moretti and became his assistant in the film Bianca, then assistant director in The Masses is Ended. The film production company Sacher Film, founded by Moretti himself, then produced his first film It’s Happening Tomorrow in 1988, which won the David di Donatello for best debut film, and participates out of competition at the Cannes Film Festival where he receives a mention Caméra d'or.




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