
He is one of the most underestimated Hollywood’s directors, a great orchestrater of complicated scenes and films made much more simple than their screenplays, a tenacious perfectionist, maybe he was the dramatic and epic cinema’s Hitchcock. George was born in Oakland, California, in 1904, from two theatre actors: Georgie Cooper e Landers Stevens. When he was 18 years old he moved with them and his brother in California, his parents stopped acting and he decided to start the cinematographic career.

Il nome completo e’ Georges Joseph Christian Simenon. Nato a Liegi, Belgio, il 13 febbraio 1903. Famoso soprattutto per I romanza con protagonista il personaggio dell’Ispettore Jules Maigret. Autore di circa 400 romanzi, uno degli scrittori piu’ celebri del ventesimo secolo. Molti racconti e libri biograficicon piu’ di 500 milioni di copie vendute. Non era solo celebre per I libri polizieschi ma anche con quelli che lui denominava come romanza duri, crudeli. Scrittori come Andre’ Gide e Francois Mauriac lo adoravano.

He was born in Havana on November 19th 1949. He made his debut with the TV documentary film Una vida para dos (A life for two) in 1985. His first fiction film was in 1992, Adorablesmentitoras (Adorable liars), a sentimental comedy. After that, in 2000, Un paraisobajolasestrellas (Paradise under the stars), a story about a girl who wants to become a dancer at the “Tropicana”. His last film The Human Thing is of 2016.

Guest at NFF 2007


2005 - Mai più come prima
2002 - Zivago
1999 - Il tempo dell'amore
1994 - Come due coccodrilli
1989 – Corsa di primavera

Giacomo Durzi was born in Rome in 1976. He graduated in Law at the University of Bologna. She attended the London Film School before graduating from the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia in Rome. He began writing in newspapers and magazines, and then as a scriptwriter, director, and producer.
Giacomo is a boy with problems at school, in an oral test he doesn’t know how to answer to the teacher and his friend Luo Ma tries to help him but he gets discovered. The two of them have fun together after school but in a video games room Giacomo loses his schoolbag. Luo Ma, to cheer him, takes him to a big Chinese food and stuff shop, where he writes some little posters to find his schoolbag. His mother finds it and unfairly accuses poor Luo Ma of distracting Giacomo from his duty.
Giacomo Fabbroncino is one of the founders of the Pigrecoemme film school in Naples.  He alternates between film editing and the directing son contemporary art. His video P@rete took part in the Biennale for Young Artists from Europe and the Mediterranean, held in 2001 in Sarajevo. In 2013 he made the documentary "Christian Leperino - Landscapes of Memory". In 2014 he was co-creator, with Raffaela Mariniello, of the artist's video "Still in Life" on show at the Studio Trisorio gallery in Naples from 7 March to 26 April 2014.
Da Secondigliano, nato a Napoli il 10-12-1992. Amante del cinema. Chaos e’ il suo primo lavoro




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