
Guest at NFF 2009

Francesco Rosi was born on November 15, 1922 in Naples, Campania, Italy. He was a writer and director, known for Salvatore Giuliano (1961), Le mani sulla città (1963), Il caso Mattei (1972), Cadaveri eccellenti (1976, from the romance "Il contesto" by L. Sciascia); Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (1979), Carmen (1984),Cronaca di una morte annunciata (1987); Dimenticare Palermo (1990); Diario napoletano (1992); La tregua (1997). He died on January 10, 2015 in Rome, Lazio, Italy.

 Institut français Napoli  Lunedì 28 settembre 2015 h 19,00 

Born in Paris on 6 February 1932. His mother Janine is a single mother and marries Roland Truffaut who agrees to adopt the child. He receives his passion for books and music from his grandmother, with whom he lives up to eight years. From eight years onwards it is possessed by Cinema. He attended Cinemateque, met Andre’ Bazin, a famous film historian, who protected him as a friend and guardian. He also helps him when Truffaut escapes from the army in the early 1950s and manages to get him into the editorial office of the Cahiers du cinema.
Franz Lagan nasce a Desio nel 1975. Le prime esperienze sono teatrali, sia come attore e scenografo (Io non c’ero; regia di Giovanni Moleri, I Blues, regia di Carlos Alsina; Un caso fortunato, regia di G. Dlugolecka) sia come regista (Gli insospettabili, adatt. E. Monteleone; Suggestioni Mariane – musica, poesia, immagini, racconti). Dal 1998 è macchinista, scenografo e direttore di scena, in diverse produzioni televisive e in opere rappresentate nei maggiori teatri di Milano. Alle attività di assistente di produzione e scenografia, affianca la passione per la regia di cortometraggi.
I fratelli Borruto nel 2009 fondano la Compagnia teatrale I TIRABUSCIO’ e nel 2014 della BBROS FILM. Dal 2013 si dedicanoalla regia tra cui molti spot pubblicitari per: Secom, Gems, Kisskiss, Publispei, Ice cube, Smeg, Santal, SAS, Inail.
It’s about three teenagers from second generation immigrant families: the Romanian Alin, the Belarusian Masha and the Egyptian Nader. They all study in Ostia in a Technical-Commercial Institute. We follow their stories and problems at school, bureaucratic problems, problems with their teachers and their parents. It’s the development of a medium-length film made by Giovannesi in 2007, Welcome Bucharest. It got a Special Jury Mention at the Rome Film Festival and a nomination for a Silver Ribbon.
di Claudio Giovannei (Ita, 2009, 90') gio 10 h 22,00 Alin Delbaci, 17, Romanian, has lived in Italy for four years. He doesn't get on well either with his classmates or his Italian teacher. Masha Carbonetti, 18, Byelorussian, was adopted by an Italian family. She would like to travel to meet her brother who stayed in Byelorussia. Nader Sarhan, 16, Egyptian, was born in Rome. He is going out with an Italian girl against the wishes of his parents. Three adolescents of foreign origin in the same school. Ostia and the Roman suburbs. Loves, conflicts and identity.
di Claudio Giovannei (Ita, 2009, 90') gio 10 h 22,00 Alin Delbaci, 17, Romanian, has lived in Italy for four years. He doesn't get on well either with his classmates or his Italian teacher. Masha Carbonetti, 18, Byelorussian, was adopted by an Italian family. She would like to travel to meet her brother who stayed in Byelorussia. Nader Sarhan, 16, Egyptian, was born in Rome. He is going out with an Italian girl against the wishes of his parents. Three adolescents of foreign origin in the same school. Ostia and the Roman suburbs. Loves, conflicts and identity.




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