
Afghanistan. Mohammed è un terrorista islamico che combatte contro i militari e gli interessi americani nel suo paese ed è ricercato dai soldati americani. Dopo averne uccisi tre, l'uomo viene ferito, catturato e portato in un centro di reclusione in Polonia: durante un trasferimento notturno, l'auto che lo trasporta ha un incidente, e Mohammed riesce a fuggire.
Luigi Ciaravola, in arte Gigione, domina i palchi delle sagre e delle feste di piazza italiane, portando con sé l’universo di canzoni che ondeggiano tra il sacro e il profano, tra il doppio senso e la devozione, tra il bene e il bene. Ai suoi piedi, accecato dalle luci psichedeliche e dal miraggio di una felicità spicciola, il popolo di seconda mano, perennemente schivato dalla ribalta nazionale, perché reo confesso del più grande peccato di questo secolo. La semplicità.
di Valerio Zurlini (1959, 104') Summer, 1943: wealthy youth in the Riccione district of Rimini play while the war gets closer. Carlo Caremoli, a young man who follows the crowd, has found ways to avoid military service. Then, on the beach, he meets Roberta, a war widow with a child. Roberta's mother warns Roberta to avoid Carlo, but to her, he seems attentive and to her daughter he is kind. Romance develops. Within a few weeks, Roberta is risking everything. Can there be a resolution between passion, on the one hand, and war, duty, and social expectation on the other?
di Valerio Zurlini (1959, 104') Summer, 1943: wealthy youth in the Riccione district of Rimini play while the war gets closer. Carlo Caremoli, a young man who follows the crowd, has found ways to avoid military service. Then, on the beach, he meets Roberta, a war widow with a child. Roberta's mother warns Roberta to avoid Carlo, but to her, he seems attentive and to her daughter he is kind. Romance develops. Within a few weeks, Roberta is risking everything. Can there be a resolution between passion, on the one hand, and war, duty, and social expectation on the other?
The peaceful life of Lino, a widower who keeps busy with the simplest everyday things, is turned upside-down when Larry Po, another quirky old man with multiple personalities, confesses to him that his late wife, Maruja, led a double life: by day was a housewife ordinary, and at night was an impressive singer of boleros. Given the possibility that perhaps he had not really known her, he becomes a detective obsessed with finding the truth.
Ettore Biondo, è nato nel 1989 e vive a Napoli. Lavora come illustratore e motion graphics artist freelance da circa cinque anni. Da alcuni anni filmmaker assecondando la sua esigenza di comunicare. Per questo sostiene che allargare la sua sperimentazione dal disegno al cinema è stato un fatto naturale, in quanto ha sempre amato il cinema. Realizza immagini con tecniche miste e forti contaminazioni tra loro, dalla matita alla computer grafica, fino al mezzo cinematografico, con le sue particolari caratteristiche di linguaggio.
Ettore de Lorenzo is a journalist with Rai TV. Stefano Moffa, actor, director and screenwriter has worked on various TV dramas (la Squadra, la Nuova Squadra, Il caso Tortora) and films "Song’ e napule", "Ossidiana", in various roles in the art, direction and casting departments. He has made several shorts, two web series, some commercials and a reality game. Filmografia  2005 - Screwdriver 2005 2010 - Una ragazza e il suo sogno 2011 - Cheese                                                  2012/13 - Scalma-nati
He is one of the greatest directors of the Italian cinema working from the Sixties, revalued in Italy after the cinephile love the French felt for him. At first he was considered by the Italian critics just a great artisan. He was born in Trevico, in the Avellino province on May 10th, 1931. The family soon moved to Rome and Ettore studied at Pilo Alberrelli High School. When he was a teenager he started drawing cartoons for the humorous magazine Marc’Aurelio and also collaborated with Il travaso delle idee (“The transfer of ideas”). He enrolled at the Law Faculty of Rome University.




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